The current DarkRP servers' maps are very mainstream, as there are a lot of other servers that have the same maps (Even though they are partly different..) SSRP 1 is now ranked 12th on gametracker, and SSRP 2 is probably in the 100s, and I think a map change would change that.
I remember when I first joined ZARP there was Bloc42, then Townsend. They were very crowded almost always, whenever I wanted to join the server was full so I had to wait for someone to leave the server. A change to maps that are different than the current ones would probably bring those server full days back, as people have a tendency to try something new and different (as in maps different from other server in the top 20)
Changing back to Bloc42 on Server 1 and Townsend on server 2 might do the trick, and I know a lot of people don't like them (Namely EMP

), but they were very nice maps with a lot of RP potential. I know for a fact that many people liked them because of the number of players that were on the server when those maps were on it, and the number has been declining ever since the maps were changed to downtown ones. Now I am not suggesting any specific maps to be changed, but I think that these two maps would be the best choice...
What do you guys think? Put your vote
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