Just one Question...
9 years 11 months ago #111826
Aright so today a was a mutant yeah and l killed Jazzie or whatever and he said the he will vote no for my Apply because l killed him... and l was allowed to do it.. So the question is. Is he allowed to vote no for me because l killed.. hmm mabye l heard wrong or something but l wonder if staff can do the...
Last Edit: 9 years 11 months ago by SwiRe Destroyer. Reason: Adding a Topic icon
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Just one Question...
9 years 11 months ago #111835
It can go two ways he can vote no and everyone else can vote yes and his vote would be out numbered which then you would be accepted unless someone objected such as jazzie cause he would be the only one who voted no and in that case we would do a different vote which everyone would have to state the reason they are voting the way they are and if he said that he voted no cause you killed him then his vote would be dismissed as invalid. We have the most fair system possiable and we expect nothing but fair votes. You don't have to worry about beind denied for that reason.