I am sure many people are aware of the recent activity of BlazeRider. He has been disrespectful to alot of people. But why should we hate? I think by now you are probably sighing, and you're probably double sighing becuase I am the one who is sorting this out.
BlazeRider has recently been getting so much hate. And to be honest, I don't like this hate, despite what he has done. Why can't you just not hate him? Sure, you may not like him, but still, you shouldn't mock him and make fun of him. How would you like it if someone who seemed to be your best friend *cough* stratiic *cough* just suddenly stopped talking to you? How would you like it if you just wanted people to play with and talk to, but no one did, especially your best friend *cough* stratiic *cough*? I am not trying to blame this on anyone, I am not trying to be hostile. I am trying to get someone who spend alot of time in this community and now has just been kicked out back in. Find it in your heart to forgive him please :3. He thinks you all LIKE hating him, thats how much hate he has recieved. If by now, you have not forgived him, nor plan to, keep reading unless you think this is just a waste of time.
History is what people now have come from. At one moment in History, there is a brilliant happy thingy with joy and FORGIVENESS.
In the 12th Century, there was a King called Henry II. He had a fab drinking buddy and stuff. Imagine that BlazeRider was King Henry II, and you was his drinking buddy. (This is with Thomas Becket and King Henry II by the way). Becuase your such good friends with BlazeRider, he decides to make you his main adviser, which is something called a chanceller but I'm not sure how you spell it, sorry

. You are happy and so is Blaze. Then he decides to give you the best role! Archbishop of Canterbury! Then you betray him. Blaze gets angry and then you run away to France for 6 years. Blaze finally forgives you. You return to England. This story may not have a very happy ending (Thomas Becket is brutally murdered in Canterbury at his altar thing) but there is still forgiveness. Can you not forgive him?
Just blocking someone and pushing them aside till they fall is wrong. Blaze got angry. Let's be honest here, who has been angry? And who has said something when they are in a rage that really they don't mean? Henry II said something as he was in a rage. He said "Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?!?" Truly he did not mean it, for when 4 knights heard this, they went to kill Thomas Becket. When he was murdered, Henry II was truly sorry and walked from London to Canturbury, barefoot. And when he reached Canturbury, he ordered each monk to whip him 3 times. He recieved thousands of lashes, and he took it all, becuase he was in a rage and becuase he was, he said something he did not mean. BlazeRider did not mean to say he hopes stratiic gets ebola. It was obvious, just like Henry II shouting "Will noone rid me of this troublesome priest?" that he did not mean it. (Isn't History just amazing when you can do stuff like this?)
I ask again, can we forgive BlazeRider? Can we invite him back into our community? And can we be friendly to him, even though he may not have been friendly to you? I used to hate Charlie, but now we are decent friends. Can we not do the same with BlazeRider? He is human too, like me, and maybe you... And if no, then pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? He plans on never coming on ZARP TTT again! We can stop this! And if your thinking "Good" then WOOOOOOOOW.... You iz su mean :'(
Now, I am either going to be praised for standing up for something against a massive community, or I am going to be hated and my Karma will drop...

Just think, how would you like it if you couldnt be with the community you love becuase your community hates you... Just think... Please...
Let's hate BlazeRider
Let's love BlazeRider
"Make love, not war"
I am not trying to pin the blame on anyone! I am just saying stratiic becuase he is involved in the "friend" thing but I am not saying "It's all stratiic's fault! Blame him blah blah blah!" I am trying to hopefully make people forgive BlazeRider for what he has done because he isn't planning on coming on ZARP again and he is a nice guy. I did *cough* stratiic *cough* not becuase I am saying "STRATIIC'S FAULT!!" but if you noticed, I put the *cough* stratiic *cough* next to when I mentioned "friend" since they used to be good friends... -.-