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TOPIC: The "BlazeRider" situation

The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110710

I am sure many people are aware of the recent activity of BlazeRider. He has been disrespectful to alot of people. But why should we hate? I think by now you are probably sighing, and you're probably double sighing becuase I am the one who is sorting this out.

BlazeRider has recently been getting so much hate. And to be honest, I don't like this hate, despite what he has done. Why can't you just not hate him? Sure, you may not like him, but still, you shouldn't mock him and make fun of him. How would you like it if someone who seemed to be your best friend *cough* stratiic *cough* just suddenly stopped talking to you? How would you like it if you just wanted people to play with and talk to, but no one did, especially your best friend *cough* stratiic *cough*? I am not trying to blame this on anyone, I am not trying to be hostile. I am trying to get someone who spend alot of time in this community and now has just been kicked out back in. Find it in your heart to forgive him please :3. He thinks you all LIKE hating him, thats how much hate he has recieved. If by now, you have not forgived him, nor plan to, keep reading unless you think this is just a waste of time.

History is what people now have come from. At one moment in History, there is a brilliant happy thingy with joy and FORGIVENESS.

In the 12th Century, there was a King called Henry II. He had a fab drinking buddy and stuff. Imagine that BlazeRider was King Henry II, and you was his drinking buddy. (This is with Thomas Becket and King Henry II by the way). Becuase your such good friends with BlazeRider, he decides to make you his main adviser, which is something called a chanceller but I'm not sure how you spell it, sorry :). You are happy and so is Blaze. Then he decides to give you the best role! Archbishop of Canterbury! Then you betray him. Blaze gets angry and then you run away to France for 6 years. Blaze finally forgives you. You return to England. This story may not have a very happy ending (Thomas Becket is brutally murdered in Canterbury at his altar thing) but there is still forgiveness. Can you not forgive him?

Just blocking someone and pushing them aside till they fall is wrong. Blaze got angry. Let's be honest here, who has been angry? And who has said something when they are in a rage that really they don't mean? Henry II said something as he was in a rage. He said "Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?!?" Truly he did not mean it, for when 4 knights heard this, they went to kill Thomas Becket. When he was murdered, Henry II was truly sorry and walked from London to Canturbury, barefoot. And when he reached Canturbury, he ordered each monk to whip him 3 times. He recieved thousands of lashes, and he took it all, becuase he was in a rage and becuase he was, he said something he did not mean. BlazeRider did not mean to say he hopes stratiic gets ebola. It was obvious, just like Henry II shouting "Will noone rid me of this troublesome priest?" that he did not mean it. (Isn't History just amazing when you can do stuff like this?)

I ask again, can we forgive BlazeRider? Can we invite him back into our community? And can we be friendly to him, even though he may not have been friendly to you? I used to hate Charlie, but now we are decent friends. Can we not do the same with BlazeRider? He is human too, like me, and maybe you... And if no, then pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? He plans on never coming on ZARP TTT again! We can stop this! And if your thinking "Good" then WOOOOOOOOW.... You iz su mean :'(

Now, I am either going to be praised for standing up for something against a massive community, or I am going to be hated and my Karma will drop... :D Just think, how would you like it if you couldnt be with the community you love becuase your community hates you... Just think... Please...

Let's hate BlazeRider

Let's love BlazeRider

"Make love, not war"

I am not trying to pin the blame on anyone! I am just saying stratiic becuase he is involved in the "friend" thing but I am not saying "It's all stratiic's fault! Blame him blah blah blah!" I am trying to hopefully make people forgive BlazeRider for what he has done because he isn't planning on coming on ZARP again and he is a nice guy. I did *cough* stratiic *cough* not becuase I am saying "STRATIIC'S FAULT!!" but if you noticed, I put the *cough* stratiic *cough* next to when I mentioned "friend" since they used to be good friends... -.-

<3 :3 Adaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmm :3 <3
Last Edit: 9 years 11 months ago by mightyalian1. Reason: So much hate and misunderstanding
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110716

How would you like it if someone who seemed to be your best friend *cough* stratiic *cough* just suddenly stopped talking to you? Apologize or find a new friend. How would you like it if you just wanted people to play with and talk to, but no one did, especially your best friend *cough* stratiic *cough*? Why are you bring Stratiic up when Blaze was the one that said awful things to him such as death threats. I am not trying to blame this on anyone, I am not trying to be hostile Yet, you bringing up Stratiic, hypocrite much?. I am trying to get someone who spend alot of time in this community and now has just been kicked out back in Pardon? He hasn't been kicked, nor community banned.. Find it in your heart to forgive him please :3. What does :3 signify for you?

In the 12th Century, there was a King called Henry II. He had a fab drinking buddy and stuff. Imagine that BlazeRider was King Henry II, and you was his drinking buddy. (This is with Thomas Becket and King Henry II by the way). Becuase your such good friends with BlazeRider, he decides to make you his main adviser, which is something called a chanceller but I'm not sure how you spell it, sorry :). You are happy and so is Blaze. Then he decides to give you the best role! Archbishop of Canterbury! Then you betray him. Blaze gets angry and then you run away to France for 6 years. Blaze finally forgives you. You return to England. This story may not have a very happy ending (Thomas Becket is brutally murdered in Canterbury at his altar thing) but there is still forgiveness. Can you not forgive him?

I adore history lessons, I also adore Game of Thrones.

I ask again, can we forgive BlazeRider? Can we invite him back into our community? I already said this. And can we be friendly to him, even though he may not have been friendly to you? I used to hate Charlie, but now we are decent friends. Can we not do the same with BlazeRider? He is human too, like me, and maybe you... And if no, then pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? He plans on never coming on ZARP TTT again! Yet, he says if he gets demoted, he'll still play on TTT. Power-hungry much? We can stop this! And if your thinking "Good" then WOOOOOOOOW.... You iz su mean :'(
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Last Edit: 9 years 11 months ago by Studio Banter.
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110719

After I read this , what I understood was

It's stratiic's fault

He's a king

And we should make love to him


2nd thing that bothers me is that he already had his second chance , he got demoted last week and banned , then they gave him another chance yet he blew it
If he blew his chance then I don't think he deserves another one

-written on my phone
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110720


This made me roflcopter xD

Now, mate, not everything can be lollipops and rainbows in the mystical land of bunnyland.

BlazeRider did everything wrong. Don't even try to bring him back into our hearts, we are trying to forget that bad moment.

And "pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" are things that little boys say for candy. Please, just don't.

EDIT: I am also really confused about whether or not this is Blaze's alt account. It says your account is made 08th of January this year, and yet, your post is just lies upon lies about how stratiic is a shitty person (Spoiler Alert: He's not.), and how BlazeRider is like fucking Jesus or some shit.
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"I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness."

Former DarkRP / TTT Moderator.
Last Edit: 9 years 11 months ago by ScorpionOnAcid.
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110721

Firstly, if someone has been abusing and disrespecting people to the point where a demote request will be made, then you can expect to get some hate. He had been given a second chance and still ruined that chance, which makes it not easier to actually like him. There was a lot of hate in the thread of the demote request to the point that it would've not been appropriate anymore, but in the end, all the hate he got was because of his own actions. His actions created consequences and those consequences you have to simply deal with.

I don't like how, in your post, you're putting the blame mostly on Stratiic. Even though you said you weren't, it's definitely obvious in the post.. A significant proportion of the friendship between them is Blaze, and what he did. Stratiic isn't going to suddenly stop talking as long as he feels respected by the person he talks to, and I think that counts for everyone.

After a second chance in this staff team, no one feels like giving it a third chance anymore. Why would we after all? If he can't fix himself after the second chance, then why would we expect him to change on the fourth? This is obviously how I feel and this might differentiate from person to person, but I think the majority of at least the TTT Staff Team is done with him at this point. I'm not trying to be offensive there, but you know what he did.

This whole history lesson has nothing to do with the situation either. This is completely not like the situation Blaze was in and is therefore completely inappopriate. We don't live in the 12th century anymore, thing are different now. What Henry II did doesn't matter in this situation. Everyone gets mad sometimes and says something they don't mean, but if you do that too often (like in Blaze's case) people will get annoyed by it. The internet is a place where people are offended faster, since we are all complete strangers to each other mostly. That means that when you get angry or mad at someone, you have to think it over before you decide to cuss him out and that is what Blaze doesn't do. That's the whole problem. He gets angry and reflects it on everyone, and that's not how you make friends in a community.

I know for a fact that a few people who didn't like me in the first place are now friends with me. Why? I was nice to them and socialized with them which meant that we got a stronger relationship and eventually becoming friends. You can always turn things around, instead, Blaze made it only worse for himself by the day. He can return to play on TTT whenever he wants, but he needs to learn that he can't say and do everything his heart desires.

I think we all appreciate that you are standing up for a friend, and that's great to see, but in my opinion this was mostly deserved. This is of course all my opinion.
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110722

I have all my reasons for hating him .

I still have no clue why he hates me so much just because I stopped talking to him , I'm normally an upbeat guy and don't want to be brought down by someone who on the regular talks about suicide and his depression , I'm not being mean I only stopped talking to him for my own sanity .

On the other hand , normally depressed people don't go on and on about their issues , especially in public ( he talked about it in game with random people ) , so it doesn't seem to me like he's trying to get help , me and a few other people believe that he's just attention seeking .
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110728

I always try my help people the best I can, which even after everything he did I still helped him. Yet the day after he showed me what kind of person he was. He doesn't deserve yet another chance. Nor does he deserve respect. Respect is earned. And he has never tried to show any of that towards other people.
-written on phone
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110730

LineLiar wrote:
I know for a fact that a few people who didn't like me in the first place are now friends with me. Why? I was nice to them and socialized with them which meant that we got a stronger relationship and eventually becoming friends. You can always turn things around, instead, Blaze made it only worse for himself by the day. He can return to play on TTT whenever he wants, but he needs to learn that he can't say and do everything his heart desires.

Its true when i was online sometimes line was doing alot of crowbar fights and he didnt want me to join,
But when things went on he accepted me and went crowbarring with me. so i got friends with him but blaze
I couldnt really care about blaze i wasnt online when he abused or anything but i trust tom and the rest that this hate towards him was rightfull and normal, if he didnt wanted to get demoted he should have thinked more, or like in stratiic's case that he talks to random peope about depression and suicide its just what stratiic said, seeking attention to let people feel with them so i wont forgive blaze after this all cause there are younger people on zarp and they dont wanna hear about people with suicide things.
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110732

Does anyone but me laugh their ass off at the "pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" thing? xD
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"I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness."

Former DarkRP / TTT Moderator.
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110744

I'm just going to say this Blaze needs to think before he speaks or does stuff what will cause problems.
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EX - TTT Admin[/center]
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110745

I know it seems we are "hating" Blaze from a users perspective but what you don't see is some of the things he says and does. As a staff member we get to see admin chat and things users can not. Most evidence can be found on the abuse report. Teams need to work together and not against each other and everyone should be treated fairly as a key component to keep the server open and rule breakers off. Unfortunately it becomes an issue if one of you team members is breaking rules and acting unprofessionally and disrespecting other staff members and users. It had come to the point where most of us were fed up and we collected evidence and created a report. May I point out he has has multiple chances and many talking-to's. If he was a user and was acting the way he was he would have been warned many times and possibly banned. I would also like to point out that Stratiic was only involved in one of the times blaze was unprofessional and rude so I don't see why you have decided to give him the blame. In my opinion he has the right to hate Blaze for his actions towards Stratiic and other staff members.
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110746

The_Hitman_Jerry wrote:
After I read this , what I understood was

It's stratiic's fault

He's a king

And we should make love to him


2nd thing that bothers me is that he already had his second chance , he got demoted last week and banned , then they gave him another chance yet he blew it
If he blew his chance then I don't think he deserves another one

-written on my phone
Totally agree 100%
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110749

Great banter Mighty, GREAT Banter :)
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AKA Victor
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110777

Wallcop wrote:
I know it seems we are "hating" Blaze from a users perspective but what you don't see is some of the things he says and does.

And from an Ex-TTT Superadmin's perspective, this all looks like banter. If I were still a Superadmin, I would've probably asked the lead team to give this fine chap a community ban. I still don't get why he's allowed in the community after all the stuff he's done.
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110787

Forgive: yes, forget:never. He broke a lot of people's trust. He can always come back to ttt when he's put himself together, but he won't be staff again any time soon.
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110788

LZ Ace wrote:
Forgive: yes, forget:never. He broke a lot of people's trust. He can always come back to ttt when he's put himself together, but he won't be staff again any time soon.

.... So you would like to play with a guy that has been proven to RDM and be immature? Okay, go play with him somewhere else.
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"I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness."

Former DarkRP / TTT Moderator.
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110789

Stop making posts about this red locked 2 topics about it already, I think I am speaking for red here, stop arguing about it and making posts about it.
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Aspect wrote:
you always manage to 1 shot us even though you're extremely exposed in the open and you shouldn't really have a chance to kill us. You just make these crazy 1 taps not even Hermione did when he played, and I can tell you he played 18 hours a day at one point.
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110831

KV-Twoerminator wrote:
LZ Ace wrote:
Forgive: yes, forget:never. He broke a lot of people's trust. He can always come back to ttt when he's put himself together, but he won't be staff again any time soon.

.... So you would like to play with a guy that has been proven to RDM and be immature? Okay, go play with him somewhere else.

If he does RDM once/if ever he comes back, then we will be able to warn him for that and his disrespect. If he does continue doing so for a longer time then he will get punished like any other normal user does. I just hope he's smart enough not to do so if he comes back.
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110835

Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]
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The "BlazeRider" situation 9 years 11 months ago #110836

It isn't an ALT account.
The person using this account is adamcoup1 and recently changed his name on the forums.

I don't see why people are still discussing this absolute nonsense thread. Its as simply as "Don't feed the troll".
I want this thread locked as this doesn't show anything beside's giving him a 3rd chance which he blew the other two.
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