The CS:GO 1v1 Tournament
9 years 10 months ago #107575
maybe you should think of other proces, maybe you could give the winner a special deathrun skin. that no one else has. Or something similar, if this will be held Evert week you will loose alot of money.
The CS:GO 1v1 Tournament
9 years 10 months ago #107589
The next time I do this, it'll be more organized, and thanks
The competition is for everyone, and in the future, it might not be 1v1. Who knows.
Having AWPS only would mean that several people who don't use AWPS very often will lose out on the competition, I want to try and make this tournament as fair as possible XD
TTT Admin
Former SSRP Admin
Former Deathrun Super Admin
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The CS:GO 1v1 Tournament
9 years 10 months ago #107632
Make it so you can only use pistols the first 3 rounds, then rifles/SMGs/Shotguns/pistols the next 5 rounds, and after that, if there's still time, people are allowed to use AWPs.
Also, next time please get a map where the round money is fixed. You got too little money on the map we played which gave the first person that won a very, very unfair advantage.