Hey guys i just want to thank all of Zarp for giving me a opportunity to administrate the DarkRP server, I have met alot of Amazing people who i can now call my friends.
So yeah.... Im resigning from DarkRP due to certain reasons which id like to keep to myself but i will remain TS staff.
I want to make a list of people to say thanks too (Im sorry if i missed you)
- Ap4ch3
- Hitman Jerry
- Gems Bond
- AllThatJazz
- Specific
- RedWingz
- gmod troller
- CardStarvipe
- TheBrohman
- Comrade chunk
- Cody Adams
- Jinxer James
- Mario
- DjBen
- Toopixelated
- Simon gruber
- greatgamedude
- Wiz khalifa
- Chance morris
- Jazzie
- CactusJack
- To be continued
- Chad Ubetcha
- Jake Mcfly
- Granny
- and last but defonatly not least Aspectionz
I also want to thank the lead team for giving me the opportunity to have a server to play on
Adios people