Gmod Troller wrote:
I know many people in this community are young, mostly around 12 and 13. Most people are made fun of due to their voices being high or them being young in general. I am 14 and my voice is higher than majority of the people in the community. Everyday I get some discrimination about it and I am used to it, I just laugh at them and ignore them. I know there are people here who face the problem of being made fun of or harassed for being a staff member at a young age, some of you may not be able to speak up or just ignore it. It's come to me that people are quite disrespectful for it, I have had to stand up for certain people in the community for this and I am not going to say who. I am going to tell you this, if any of you disrespect people for this reason staff or not you will be punished. Of it is a user then it will be by me but if it's another staff then I will be sending what proof I have to lead team members. I hate that people refer to others as "kid" without knowing them. If this is happening just message me on steam and we will talk. Just get a screen shot of a what they did and I will do something about it. Some of the people on the server two days ago were having a discussion about young players/staff and if they should be allowed in the community. I was furious just to get one complaint from a younger member about it offending them, and especially a staff member was agreeing with them. I thought zarp was supposed to be a community that accepts all ages, well it appears that some people don't know that including staff. If this occurs report it to me or anyone you feel you can trust even if the person doing it is staff, don't let them push you around.
Written on mobile.
Agree my man I am 13! one of the youngest in the WHOLE COMMUNITY!