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TOPIC: Full Zarp Guide

Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102509

Hello Player
Welcome to ZarpGaming , a friendly and dedicated community that is willing to give players some good time , of course in this thread i'll be going through everything found in zarp , such as gamemode , help on how to play , how zarp is better than most servers , how good our scripting is and etc......

The Forums
Welcome To the forums, the forums is one of ZARP's main places to do many things, here is where most of the magic happens, of course if you are reading this then you probably have a forum account already, but if you don't, it is very simple and easy, ontop where you are able to log in, you would see the Create An Account hyperlink, you just simply click on that and follow the instructions given to you, i will explain some of the things you could do here in the forums.
  • Participate in fun Forum Games
  • Apply to become staff on one of our amazing servers
  • Request a demotion on a certain staff member
  • Request a ban/warn on a certain player
  • Apply for Gangs
  • Look at the rules

Those are some examples on what you can do here, and i can assure you that there is much more you can do, but keep in mind, even the forums has rules, if you fail to follow any one of them, you could get yourself a ban.

To make the forums a bit more "Fun" there is ranks that you can achieve, there's currently 6 if i am not mistaken, you can rank up by reaching a certain amount of posts, the ranks are:
  • Fresh Boarder (0-19 Posts)
  • Junior Boarder (20-39)
  • Senior Boarder (40-79)
  • Expert Boarder (80-159)
  • Gold Boarder (160-319)
  • Platinum Boarder (320+)
click on this link here to read the TOU just so you don't get in trouble ---) TOU

What is teamspeak you must ask ? well it is a program in which players can create there own servers and make channels which other players can join and chat with other players, if you have it installed but don't know how to use it, it's fairly simple, press on connections, then connect, then type our server ip which is:
We currently have a teamspeak server in which you can join in and chat with players , this is also the location of where staff members have there meetings , here are the server rules ----) Teamspeak Rules

Who doesn't know minecraft ? we are of course conjoined with FP , so our server is one , anyways we have a bunch of game modes on there ( well 4 currently ) Factions , survival and etc...... , i can't find the rules currently

Semi Serious RP ( DarkRP )
The first and main server of ZARP , of course i'll be explaining this in two parts , first is what is darkrp and how do you play it ? 2nd is some scripts/addons that are found in darkrp that makes this gamemode popular .
#1 DarkRP is a realistic roleplay gamemode in which you can role-play as almost anything you want such as a police officer or a gangster , of course once you join the server make sure to read the rules immediately , some people just ignore it and then get in trouble and say i didn't know it wasn't allowed , its your fault for not reading the rules , here are the rules just incase you can't access it in-game ----) SSRP Rules , once you finished reading the rules you can start playing by pressing f4 , now i'll try to explain almost everything there is in f4 ,

The Crafting Tab ,it isn't really that useful unless you're in a gang that has it unlocked ( i will explain the gang upgrades later ) , its mostly for crafting weapons , you can obtain the items by mining stone and gold ( which makes steel ) and getting uranium ( Which is obtained by using the uranium printer through the black market dealer job ) ,

The Actions Tab , which is just action , you can drop money , change your rp name , change job title and etc.....

The Jobs Tab , this is where you choose a job , make sure to follow the job rules ( it is found in the SSRP rules ) ,

Inventory , anything you pick from the ground goes to your inventory , when you die everything in your inventory stays , you can also equip items from it by left clicking the items and pressing equip , that will take them to your hotbar and then you'll be able to use it ( but if you die whilst it was in your hot-bar it gets removed , so keep that in mind ) ,

The Gangs Tab , this is where you can create your own gang and edit it , you can also invite people to your gang and such

The Shop Tab , this is where you can buy some items such as printers ( you can't store drugs or printers in your inventory ) , drug labs , armour chargers , health chargers and such , each job has a exclusive items in the shop , for example gun dealers have guns in the shop tab ,

The Skills Tab ,you can enhance you skills by doing a certain thing , the more your skills go up , the better you are . now finally is the

VIP tab , this is where you can purchase VIP which has more benefits than a normal player , we also have the quests system , just incase you're low in money and you need a couple of cash , quests are there to help you , each NPC has a unique quest , but they are always the same quests , of course to not make it op theres a cooldown , we also have TDM cars mod installed , so you can show off your car , The f1 system , when you press F1 you get a small window saying what's the problem , just incase you feel like theres a rule breaker or someone has broken a certain rule , you could use f1 to report him and a member of the staff team will tp to you and try to handle this situation , we also have a unique trade system , by pressing f2 infront of a player it will send him a trade request , he/you needs/need to type /accept to accept the trade and trade with him , now i teached you some of the basics of SSRP , its your job to figure out the rest ;)

As i said in the darkrp section , i will explain it in 2 sections , 1# how to play it , 2# what zarp has done with deathrun ,
-Deathrun is a fun gamemode, basically the main objective of this gamemode is to kill the other team, i will be explaining the two teams roles in this gamemode

  • Runners: As a runner, your main objective is to get to the end by surviving, and they key to surviving is by tricking the deaths into activating the traps, of course you have to work as a team to get to the end, having 1 runner vs 4 deaths sometimes isn't the best idea, a small tip to achieve an easier way to get to the end is by bhopping, once you reach to the end you mostly have 3 endings in most maps, Bhop, Easy, and the 3rd one is always different, once you choose the ending you have to kill the deaths and then you have won the round.
  • Deaths: As a Death, your main objective is to kill players and stop them from reaching to the end, the key to stopping them is by activating the traps that are present, you have to work as a team to stop the runners from getting to the end, we don't want that guy who just sits and does nothing do we now? If the runner managed to get to the end, you have to somehow manage to kill him, a benefit of being a death is that you have speed, a tip is to reach to the guns before runners do and just camp there and stop them from getting the guns.
, make sure you read it carefully so you don't get in trouble ---- ) Deathrun Rules , Zarp's Deathrun has a unique pointshop which contains a bunch of staff such as hats , player models , trails and etc.... , we also have the !Rtv feature ( which stands for : Rock The Vote ( which you can vote to change the map ) ) , we also have amazing maps .

Trouble In Terrorist Town
( Credits to visionz for this one )
I will explain this gamemode in two sections aswell. Trouble In Terrorist Town or abbreviated as TTT is a fun gamemode in which there are 3 roles you must fulfill. These being:
  • Innocent
  • You are an innocent Terrorist and your job is to find out who are the Traitors among your midst and kill them before they kill you.
  • Detective
  • You have been chosen as a Detective and you have gained a few privileges as one. You have access to the Detective shop in which will aid your search for the Traitors. Kill the Traitors first before they will kill you!
  • Traitor
  • You have been chosen as a Traitor. You have the objective to kill every last Innocent terrorist alive with the help of the Traitors shop which will aid in your objective. Kill the Innocents and the Detective before they find out you are the Traitor!
For a full explanation of the rules for TTT, click on this hyperlink. Also, the ZARP Pointshop which you can access by pressing F4 is linked to the pointshop of the Deathrun server aswell, which enables you to enjoy both of your swag skins and taunts in TTT and DR.
As you have seen in the brief explanations of your roles you must fulfill in TTT, you have the ability to open up a unique Detective and Traitor shop. This will aid you in winning the round and by keeping yourself alive.

We have a wonderful and powerful Staff team on TTT which are open to listen to everyone when there has been a violation of the rules. We especially thank this to our brilliant shot log and report system we have implemented on our server. Accessing the report system is very easy, you type in chat !report and select the player which has broken a rule. Or when an Innocent or Detective has killed you, a window will pop up which will straightly take you to the report system. You briefly explain what has happened and you wait for the player's answer. Once he has given his answer we, the Staff team, will act accordingly as to what we think is right.

Bunny Hop
i think you get with what I'm going right now , 2 sections , now Bunny Hop is a gamemode in which you could train and test your Bhoping skills ( you could bunny hop by pressing first off w , then hold space , then release w and then press a and d to navigate and also your mouse ) , we have some unique maps
Ofcourse our ZARP Bhop server has gotten an update recently, in which most of the things have changed, there are now playback bots in which you can see how well you performed, there is only one negative to it, and it's that you can't bhop at spawn then leave the area with a fast speed.
here are the rules ----) Bunny Hop Rules , we don't have that much in bunny hop right now but its getting updated every month to suit the best for players so they can enjoy .

We currently have a VIP system , in which you can benefit from it and it adds more items and stuff to your gamemode ( it applies to every gamemode ) , here is the link to it if you're interested in it ---- )VIP Benefits , here are some of the stuff you gain from VIP
DarkRP: Access to Vip Printers that are way better than the normal printers , having VIP armour and health chargers , an vip emergency fuel . VIP drug lab coolers , having access to the SWAT job , priest , and master thief , no job limits , Your get double skill xp so you can easily get a skill fully completed , 30 weight shop limit , 70 props limit
Forum/TTT/Deathrun: You get double Zarp Points for the pointshop , you can use Auras from the pointshop , you get a ZARP VIP badge under your name in the forums .

SSRP Booster Packs
As of speaking, we have recently added the booster packs, booster packs can help both players and the server owners, this pack can simply help boost a player, and it would help the server owners as you have donated to them money to help keep the server running, i will list here some of the kinds of booster packs that you can buy and what's included.

  • Single Booster Pack $5 (Contains: 3 BP Cases, 1 Special Weapons Case, 1 Mil RP Cash, +5 inv weight and bank weight)
  • 2 Booster Packs $10 (Contains: 6 BP Cases, 2 Special Weapons Case, 2 Mil RP Cash, +10 inv weight and bank weight)
  • 3 Booster Packs $15 (Contains: 9 BP Cases, 3 Special Weapons Case, 3 Mil RP Cash, +15 inv weight and bank weight)
  • 5 Booster Packs *1 booster pack included for free* $20 (Contains: 15 BP Cases, 5 Special Weapons Case, 5 Mil RP Cash, +25 inv weight and bank weight)
  • 10 Booster Packs *3 Booster Packs included for free* $35 (Contains: 30 BP Cases, 10 Special Weapons Case, 10 Mil RP Cash, +50 inv weight and bank weight)

Well PERP is very similar to SSRP but is very realistic and very serious/strict, in this gamemode you have to roleplay as realistic as possible, breaking a simple rule could instantly lead you to a ban, in the ZARP version, there are different NPC's such as a car npc, job npc, household NPC, food NPC, and etc.... there's also a phone, to make it be as realistic as possible.

Here are the current staff team for each server:
Forum Staff Team
Deathrun Staff Team
DarkRP Staff Team
TTT Staff Team
BHop Staff Team
PERP Staff Team
Teamspeak Staff Team ( currently now found )
Minecraft Staff Team ( Not found )

Community Managers and Owners :
These are the people that run zarp , code/script it , and is in charge of everything , here are the list of the current Community Team :
Patrick Star

Current Head Admins Of Each Server
Chuteuk ( Headadmin of all servers )
EMP ( Headadmin of all servers )
DCXBigDaddy ( Headadmin on all servers )
Redpowder ( Headadmin on all servers )
Patrick Star ( HeadAdmin on all servers )
[Z]The Hitman Jerry ( HeadAdmin/Owner of PERP )
Illuminatixs ( HeadAdmin/Owner of PERP )
TiGzTeR ( HeadAdmin on SSRP )
Manya'Jayne ( Headadmin/Co Owner on DR )
QT 3.14/Keith ( Headadmin on SSRP )

How to become a mod ?
Its easy , Here are some requirements that i suggest having before actually applying : No recent warns , no recent bans , follow the rules , knows the rules well , friendly , dedicated to helping players , played for atleast 30 hours , less or more depending on the gamemode , once you have reached the requirements here is what you need to do next , make a new topic , then open a new tab , then choose one of these links for the gamemode that you're applying for

DarkRP ( Set your title to [SSRP Moderator]Your name's Application )

Deathrun ( Set your title to [DR]Your name's Application )

TTT ( Set your title to [TTT]Your Name's Application )

BHop ( Set your title to [Bhop]Your name's Application )

PERP ( Staff apps are currently not open )

Then copy the template , paste it into your new topic , then fill in the questions , and make it look as nice as possible using BBCodes

How to report a player/staff

-Reporting a player/staff is a bit easy, before making a thread, you need to provide proof and follow the template, without proof nothing can be done, we aren't magicians, we can't know if someone is abusing just by taking your word for it, reporting players and staff is a bit the same, just different templates.

Here's the template for it:
Report a Player
Report A Staff Member

Example of how you should do a Report abuse for staff members
Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

the same goes with the ban requests for players
Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

Now on how to appeal, it's pretty much the same as the Demote Request/Ban Requests but this time, you don't need proof
Ban Appeal Template

-Finished Product
Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

Updates/changes ( here are updates of what i fixed/added to this guide )
-Removed Joschs from Community team section since he's no longer in zarp
-Fixed DarkRP staff team link since it linked to the Deathrun staff team list
-Added some colours and increased the sizes of text
-Removed some colours just to make everyone happy
-Removed a fail BBCode
-Added Current Headadmins
-Fixed Some things
-Added how to make a report abuse, ban request, ban appeal
-Made it look a lot better
-Added SSRP Booster Packs

If you think there should be anything added just reply here and i'll add it if it suits the guide , feedback is appreciated
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Last Edit: 9 years 9 months ago by The Hitman Jerry.
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102510

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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102511

Pretty good guide man!
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102516

This is really awesome, good job Jerry! ;)
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102517

Very nice!
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102518

Pretty amazing that you took the time to make this guide, this is really helpful for new players and I will definitely use it when needed :P
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102519

Very nice post Thanks for the rust mention xd good job
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102522

Nice post Jerry but, it looked better without all the coloured text.
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EX - TTT Admin[/center]
Last Edit: 10 years 1 month ago by Charlie-.
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102526

RainbowDash wrote:
Nice post Jerry but, it looked better without all the coloured text.

The colours were a suggestion from someone and I didnt want him to not like this post , I'll fix it tomorrow
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Last Edit: 10 years 1 month ago by The Hitman Jerry. Reason: Grammar mistake
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102529

The_Hitman_Jerry wrote:
RainbowDash wrote:
Nice post Jerry but, it looked better without all the coloured text.

The colours were a suggestion from someone and I didnt want him to not like this post , I'll fix it tomorrow

I see that now. Remove the colour, burn the human on a stake.
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102541

Amazing. Good job Jerry.
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I'm an ex at a lot of things:
Global Moderator
SSRP Admin (I was SuperAdmin for 10 seconds as a mistake)
Minigames Owner
Teamspeak Staff
Minecraft Mod (lol)
Deathrun Mod

I used to go by Fennster4 but now I’m cooler
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102573

╯№Walrus╰ wrote:
The_Hitman_Jerry wrote:
RainbowDash wrote:
Nice post Jerry but, it looked better without all the coloured text.

The colours were a suggestion from someone and I didnt want him to not like this post , I'll fix it tomorrow

I see that now. Remove the colour, burn the human on a stake.

So burn EMP ? k
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102587

Can we make this topic sticky? Because it is easier to find for the new members if it is sticky.
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102594

Jerry! At the SSRP Explaination, at the Gangs Tab there is a failed BBCode
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102596

TheMusicCat wrote:
Jerry! At the SSRP Explaination, at the Gangs Tab there is a failed BBCode

Thanks for pointing that out , its fixed now
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102598

The_Hitman_Jerry wrote:
TheMusicCat wrote:
Jerry! At the SSRP Explaination, at the Gangs Tab there is a failed BBCode

Thanks for pointing that out , its fixed now

No probleme, this is atleast something i can do for Zarp as i left :)
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102604

Suggestion - Post the Head Admins for each server as they do not change very regularly, that way they can see easily who they need to speak to regarding game breaking bugs etc
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102720

GGWP good guide mister Hitman
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AKA Victor
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Full Zarp Guide 10 years 1 month ago #102759


Put some pictures about gamemodes to make it more proffesional

Great thread tho
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ex-minecraft owner, zarp legend (Was there during the infancy of Zarp), ex-ssrp admin, ex-teamspeak emblem (For SSRP admin & minecraft owner)

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Full Zarp Guide 9 years 11 months ago #117885

Bumping this thread
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