So yesterday I didn't get on, at all, my computer was being wierd but I fixed it so I can be back aadmingerating around the place DR
But yeah I felt you should know why I was inactive yesterday
To be honest this is not really needed to be posted, in the future just pm a Super Admin on the server you are going to be inactive on and one day no one will be annoyed..
look bud it's no big deal if you can't get on for a day everyone has things that get in the way for various reasons. I would suggest telling some members of the lead team and, if you feel necessary, make a forum post but usually only if you're gonna be gone a month or something like that.
I know this was more of a Yolo post than anything, just I was on t-shirts and I kept going off and on, which probably irritated the members so it's kind of more an apology than anything. And btw Nexize its not for attention.