do you have a cheap suggestion for me? thinking around 50 bucks
I don't know if there is a nice one in your price range but i like:
I myself have the zalman z11 plus (blue LED)
Chris_Smith wrote:
I have a 10 dollar case that lasted for 7 years. Still using it.
Go get a mouse - mouse mat - headset etc with that 50 bucks.
Don't get why people care about the case. Just make sure it's a case then you're all set to go.
Mostly focus on the parts. Later on you can change the case anytime.
If you are going to build a pc, I also want to make it look nice on the outside.. i mean the eye wants something aswell. I get your point of view, but don't forget that those hardware parts are upgradeable later on aswell.
Just set your priorities, want better specs? Go for hardware and leave the case, want a nice looking pc but for now slightly less BEAST, go for a nice case and go for a cheaper GPU or go for a HDD instead of a SSD.