Sidenote before you read: If you do not feel addressed after reading this topic, then please do not post any negative comments, some people just need this. You can see this topic as a motivation to keep your hard work up.
Recently it has come to my attention that people are feeling like their hard work is not appreciated by people in the community, and at the same time they feel like they are better off by leaving the community. I would like to say that this is
not true. Everybody's work in the community is highly appreciated. You are one of the people who are giving up their free time to keep this community alive. Without your help this community would not exist anymore. Maybe it is not my job to do this, but I would like to thank you all for your hard work and dedication towards Zarp over the time you've served for the community. Whether you're a recent accepted mod, or a long serving staff member, the work you've done is awesome, keep it up!
Also, the community has changed over the past has changed over the last couple of months in both good and bad ways. There are points where there are happening bad things. If you're experience one of the bad moments, then realize and make sure that each and everybody in this community cares about eachother, and especially me, I care about each and everybody of you. If you are feeling bad in any way, or not happy in this community -which alot of people in this community seem to experience at the moment-, then please contact me on
Steam as soon as possible, I'm here for each and all for you. No matter about what it is, you can safely talk with me about anything. I'm a listening ear, and advisor at the same time. Problems are there to be solved, and I will gladly help you with solving them. Everything said between us will stay between us. I have experienced myself that talking helps alot, so do not be afraid to contact me. I know how bad somebody can feel, and I really don't mind spending hours to make you feel better, that's where I am for.
At the end we're all human beings made out of flesh and blood, and nobody should ever feel bad about anything or themself. Just remember to stay positive. No matter what you're going through, there's a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you'll find the positive side of things. I can't is not an answer, I can is however the key to victory. Remember: Always talk with somebody before you make any big decisions.