I dunno about you guys but Im a giant star wars fans and one of my first shooting games on my pc was Start Wars Battlefront 2 and at the time it was such a amazing game (still is) It had all the awesome things a game needed at that time
With many gamemodes and vehicles and characters the game was literally the best thing out there for me and i have recently started playing it again.
And now Star Wars: Battlefront 3 is coming out on Xbox one and PS4. I can't wait! EA Games are publishing it so i hope they dont butcher the game because it was such a good series.
If you are not familiar with SW: Battlefront 2 and the upcoming Number 3 Here are some comparision pictures (You can really see the difference of graphics throughout all these years)
Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Star Wars: Battlefront 3
So you guys leave some comment what you think about this!
Surely i cant be the only Battlefront 2 Lover here?