Name - Jakedaking (Steam is sami231)
Steam-ID - STEAM_0:0:93534536
Evidence of Steam-ID -
Server - ZARP DarkRP server 1 (Downtown)
Time and date (CET) - 2:40pm UK time.
Reason - False Demote, Failrp and 1.2 disrespect.
Story - So i became Godfather and was about to raid when he came up to me and started screaming down the mic, oi oi oi can i buy ur job, i wanna buy ur job. i will pay u 240k to buy your job. So i took the money and then ran off (as scaming is allowed). After that his friend started sending me msg's saying 'Fuck u' 'u cunt' and so on. after that he then made a demote on me with the demote reason "asshole" which is a complete false demote. i then contacted an admin and nobody ever came. after that he then became Godfather instantly but i didn't demote him due to getting arned myself. later on about 5 mins after he is demoted from godfather because he didn't set an agenda. Serves him right. He started later rdm'ing me but i have not any proof of this. I would also like to mention that he demoted me to get my job as well.
Proof -
Demoting =
Him being demoted by Theubermedic =
Him instantly becoming godfather after i was false demoted by him = (look at last few lines, as i am demoted he becomes my job.)
Other comments - I have had many bad things happen in the past with jakedaking but have never had the proof to get him banned. i would like jakedaking banned for false demote, disrespect, rage'ing if thats a rule and just dam right ignorance.
Thank you for reading this post and i hope something is done due to the evidence i have provided.