I didn't see that comming, but yes I'm leaving. It was really nice being here and had fun. I don't really want to say why I'm leaving, i want to keep it personal. So since this is the new trend I'll make a list.
Toilet paper: You are the best guy. Really awesome, really good friend. Keep it up! Good luck with everything. <3
Gems bond: You are a really cool guy, and nice friend.Good luck with everything
Ap4ch3: The best helicopter. Jk. Good luck with everything, really awesome guy!
Rayman1919: Even though we had some fights you are really nice and funny
Gregory TW!X: I don't think you'll see that but whatever. You are awesome mate.
Aureatron:; Really funny and such a big troller
. Good luck with everything my friend
Redpowder: You big trollerrrrrrrrrr! Anyways you are a really cool guy, good luck with everything bud.
Cameron :Really nice guy, good friend and really supportive and calm.
Section: Even though I didn't meet you so good, these couple of days we played together were really awesome! You are a really good friend.
PatrickYou are a nice guy and sorry
Luxor Really friendly, funny
Wallcop: Really good friend, patient and friendly.I missed basing with you xD. Good luck m8.
General alladeen: You mingeeeeee. I remember when we used to base
. You are really funny and nice
If I didn't add anyone I'm sorry, I'm too lazy and I can't remember more people xD
EDIT: Move dis thread please, put it in the wrong section >.>