Will you be receiving coal from xhantium? or ascending to the heavens with Chute?
The answers are all here
-Mogadonskoda (For being an amazing community manager and a great friend/kek bhopper)
-RedPowder (Dedication to the community and for always being there to help)
-EMP (For being a legend)
-DCX (Dedication to the community and for always being there to help especially with issues concerning Xhantium)
-ReaperRoel (For being a great friend and contributing to the community)
-xAlmostlostx (For being a good friend and valuable member of the deathrun leadteam)
-Patrick Star (For good training and dedication to zarp)
-Totallynotondrugs ( For making me say "Drugs please")
- LazyBro (For being an amazing member of staff and contributing so much to the community)
- TooPixelated (For being a great member of staff)
- Brusk (For having too many badges on teamspeak)
- Fennster 4 (For being a great addition to the SSRP staff team)
- Aureatron (For doing his job well and being very nice and friendly)
- Zer0nix (For being a great guy and member of the community
- Jam_Is_Good (For making me laugh and being a great guy to talk to)
- Nexize (For being a good friend and former gang mate)
- TheGamerGuy (For being a good admin and reaching over 1000 posts)
- I_am_the_Walrus (For being an incredible guy and an amazing TTT superadmin)
- Lightatrrows.exe (For being a great friend and anime god)
- Tomvtv (For being an amazing role model for me on deathrun)
- KapiJam (For being a friendly and nice staff member on deathrun)
- Pink (For having nice motorbikes and cool piercings)
- Rayman1919 (For being a nice friendly person)
- TheAp4ch3 (For not killing me for stealing your giveaway idea)
- Scorpion (For being a friendly person and starting nice threads)
- Wallcop100 (For being a nice and supportive friend)
- ZippyJack (Always a pleasure to do your f1's , Great guy)
- Harridas (Friendly and professional staff member)
- No One (Because he asked to be here)
- Chris_Smith (For making awesome signatures)
- Illuminatisx (For creating an awesome secret santa)
- PatrickTM (For being a great person to hang with)
-Blackarmy121 (For the pasta +rep +rep)
- Preditorv (For the trolls the other day<3)
-Shaggy (For the dongers) (Nah im just joking, nice list really for being an awesome friend and great player on lol and hearthstone)
-Kpro (For hurting mine and moga's feelings)
-Xhantium (For stalking me on the internet)
-Victor (For leaving </3)
-Beckie (For minging the whatsapp group)
-BenDellar (For being rude)
-MrOuldy (For getting community banned shortly after showing me zarp)
-CreamyDonutz (For sending me a selfie of you on the toilet)
-Wacky (For frequently getting banned from teamspeak)
-Freak0811 (For continuously placing hits on me on darkrp)
-Taco (For destroying my printers - what a scrub)
-Comment below if you would like me to add you-