Hello friends and players, i know this is not a big deal, but i still feel that i have to say sry for what i did.
So heres the story:
I had a duped base out, and the first fadding door had a keypad ON THE FADDING DOOR. witch was also being a fadding door, so when you opened it, you could walk in. but i throught that i also had noclided it incase it got picklocked, it turns out that i did not. so i had a base for around 4 hours that was illigel, and i feel sry for it.
The reason why i never firgured out that it was not nocollided was because people only have been raided with keypad crackers. Taco was the first one who lockedpicked it.
Thx to Taco for showing me it
and also sry to pink for not believe he was a super admin in the start