As some of you may know Friendly Players and ZARP are connected communities. So I'm making this post here hoping you will support the server and try it out.
As of late the server has been completely dead, and although multiple reasons can be blamed for its sudden loss of life. None of these reasons can be used evidently as a reason to why the server fell short of its full potential, but that doesn't mean it cannot meet the example set by the server on various occasions.
That is why Zack, EMP, and Krugerman have decided to give new life to the server in the form of the successful map city industrial 17, new CCA structure, and some new content. With Kruger and Zack now Co-owners of maintaining the Half Life 2 server, we believe making such a change is necessary for the server and its future, with more content, developed role-play and monthly meetings being a must to keep the server's heart beating.
The server will open tomorrow, Tuesday the 9th of December, at a currently unknown time which will be specified in this thread when required. Most likely 5 or 6PM EST
HL2RP Combine Structure:
With the reset of HL2RP, there will be a couple of changes to the structure of the Combine. I will separate them into different sections to make it easier to read.
Ranking Structure:
There were no changes to the structure of Combine ranks, so it will remain the same, as follows (from highest to lowest):
High Command Units:
Sectoral Commander
Divisional Leader
Squadron Leader
Divisional Officer
Lower Ranking Units:
There will only be three divisions for now. They are UNION, GRID, and HELIX. More will be added as roleplay needs it.
- Current Leaders -
Sectoral Commander: Zackz11
Commander: EMP
UNION DvL: Reventius
GRID DvL: Krugerman12
Helix DvL: Jose
As always, happy roleplaying! See you on the server!
Link to FP HL2RP forum section