LazyBro wrote:
Well this is a rather troll post considering you applied and joined Gregory's gang on SSRP and continue to use the forums? Why not edit this or get it removed since you have clearly decided to stay :/
You didn't even get this post removed after you decided to stay which should have been the first thing you done once you decided to stay. The most recent TS ban was completely deserved though since you came on and started harassing users by making them paranoid.
Dunno why my first post on this thread wasn't like this but I guess here it is now :3
I have left. You're the one creating this a making people tending to think this is a troll. I still use here cause of the people who like me. Reason I also left is cause of people like you judging other peoples decisions. Let me do what I want man, This isn't a troll post at all, I can agree that many people agree that this isn't because of the things I've gone through you expect me to spend time on a post and think it's a troll. Add me on steam or sc me and i'll be sure to tell you. If you ready clearly I explained my leaving.
I stay on forums cause nothing I have to do and Why not?
I don't get what people think of me. I've been through a lot with this community and now you're all treating me like nothing. Thanks.
1. No idea who you are.
2. Why am I not listed.
You know who I am. I was ex-staff on MC.. I remember you
. I dont know why you no listed. I'll just say it here:
Thanks for being a great member of staff and coder on MC server. Keep up good work