So I just got 600 posts!
I am really happy that I am this long at ZARP. I am almost at 1000 posts, and I am here almost for a year. And yet, some of you guys don't think this is kind of special... Why isn't this a good moment for me? You guys are being sarcastic about this and how you don't give a fuck. Anyways, I will just ignore that for now, and going to make a full list of almost all ZARP members here, who made me happy over the years, and I hope you guys like it.
Thank you Dcx, for all those times when I had a tough decision, or when I had a problem with someone. You always know what to say, and you always help ZARP's members when they are in trouble, including me. I hope we can improve our relations, and get me unblocked from your friends list, because that was just me being stupid, and from that point onwards, I made a lot of stupid decisions on ZARP. Please Dcx, thank you, and accept my apology.
For those good ol' days when we played DarkRP together. We had so much good times together. We always spammed in advert and OOC: "SEE SCORPION AND SUB-ZERO FIGHT! MACHETES ONLY!!!". Just cracks me up, pal. Let's hope that we can find another game we can play on, because even though our time playing was short, it was incredible for me.
You are so funny mate. You are a scrub. But not the bad kind, you are the kind that likes to be funny, also I kinda love the Anime stuff you send to me. Anyways, we always have a lot of interesting stuff to talk on Steam, and when we do chat, we like spend 4 hours chatting. Please mate, let's chat some more. Senpai u so Kawaii!
Remember that talk we had on how some people are trolling you because you are 12? Yep, those people are disgusting. Anyways, the reason you are on my "Thank you" list, is because you are always really funny, we always have fun playing stuff, and we are really good friends. You are an awesome dood, dood, so keep at the awesome attitood dood, doont evoor groow oop.
Metro 2033, GMod, TeamSpeak, Steam Chat, you name it, we always have fun. You are a fun guy with an awesome name. We always love talking to eachother, and I could maybe come back to DeathRun so that we can just pwn the noobs there. I would like it if you got S.T.A.L.K.E.R. though. Anyways, keep doing what you're doing, and don't ever change for me, because you are amazing.
Chris Smith
For all those interesting talks we had, for all those good ol' days we had with your bro, Johnny Smith, and for having a really good attitude. Remember that time when you didn't want to give me the link to AFF to check who they got because you were scared? LOL! Anyways, I love ya. Also, Give me that Signature, mate! Luv ya!
Michael Bay
Yes, I still remember your name, Michael Bay, or Evo Pineapple, or Chubby Fruit. Anyways, you are always a fun person to talk to, you really like me, and I like you back, when we played DarkRP when I was Moderator, we had so much fun playing on the roof when I was off duty and you were just screwing around. Don't ever change your attitude, and don't ever resign. Luv ya, Michael!
Ah, ye scrub! Why do you have to be so MLG for me? You are always fun to talk to mate! I don't know why, but your efforts to being a bad scrub to me, has backfired! You are a really fun scrub! I really hope that you don't ever change! Oh wait, I just said that and you will change up your scrub tactics. Shit. Oh well, it'll be fun while it lasts!
I know you wont see this. I know that you resigned. But goddamn it you are still fine. An amazing member worth giving a thank you, A member that was my most amazing member. Really though, you were my favorite member. We always had fun on games, we always helped eachother through the steam chat, we always had good relations, and now that you're gone, I am really sad. I hope we can find eachother some other time. R.I.P. Blocked.
To everyone else:
Sorry for not putting you in the "Thank you" Section, but ZARP is like family to me. We always defend eachother, and we always play something together. As long as I live, members will die here at ZARP. New members will be born, and I will be here a long time to witness all of that. I have been here a year and there were a lot of things that happened. We are all one big family, and this is like my birthday since I have been here for like a year now. So everyone, let's have a group hug.
May ZARP live long and prosper!
- With love, Scorpion.
Diamond Boarder
- Posts: 3434
- Thanks received: 452
Karma: -2