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Ask me anything unless it's against TOU. I also don't want anyone banned here for speaking their mind. If someone is uncomfortable with the idea of homosexuals, let them speak their mind pls.
All questions will be taken seriously. No question is too awkward for me. Ask away. I did this for 2 reasons, I am bored and it'll increase my post count. |
I'm EMP's only friend
"Do you have to wear lip stick" - RedPowder 2016 Unable to display Google Map. [spoiler=throw/a/,Uncaught=1,g=alert,a=URL+0,onerror=eval,/1/g+a[12]+[1337]+a[13]]'throw/a/,Uncaught=1,g=alert,a=URL+0,onerror=eval,/1/g+a[12]+[1337]+a[13][/spoiler][quote=throw/a/,Uncaught=1,g=alert,a=URL+0,onerror=eval,/1/g+a[12]+[1337]+a[13]][code=throw/a/,Uncaught=1,g=alert,a=URL+0,onerror=eval,/1/g+a[12]+[1337]...
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Homosexuals can be born that way (hormones...) or just choose to be homosexual right?
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This thread is going to cause nothing but drama and someone will end up getting banned. If you have any questions about his sexual prefrance you can message him via steam.
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