Glacial_Subzero wrote:
Cya chris, we had some moments where you were going to ban me on ts for trolling. Sad too see you go i was wishing to troll you more on the meetings, until i heard the news about your demotion. pece
TWANNY WAN, yeah dude I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here and I'm sorry if I ruined any of your fun
DarthVader wrote:
noooo! bye Darth. thanks for all of your support!
Preditorv wrote:
Bye Chris, we had some awkward moments *cough* Angelus *cough* and my laugh, I can't help it ;-;
Well this is a shocker to me and it's sad to see you go. I'm looking forward to the 4 hour meetings now we haven't got you to host them.
Paco2 for next community manager!
I would actually resign if that happened, and so would the whole server i'm assuming.
I'm sure I'd resign if that happened too
Thanks Pred.
Green wrote:
Holy shit man,
That came so quick. I wouldn't have expected for this to happen at all. Chris you're a great guy and you still are. I've known you for around 6 months, one of the first people I knew when I joined ZARP. You hosted the ZARPGAMING Summer Olympics and that was pretty fun. I'm glad you're still owner of
so thats cool
just recently we had that talk on the roof in darkrp about anger, seems like it got a tad bit out of hand this time and action was taken. And for all the haters out there
You'll be missed U_U
Good times
The anger we discussed was not related to my demotion, and I'm no longer the owner of PERP either. Thank you for your positive attitude and thank you for all of your support <3
Oculus Boy wrote:
Naw, this can't be real.
Good luck.
Thank you, hope you enjoy your DK2 buddy. Enjoy your time here <3
Exrobite wrote:
This is literally the only thing I can think of.
Stay frosty, legend.