Evilstewie wrote:
I was bullied non stop for 6years starting from year 3 to year 7,
its started simple as teachers pet and mostly about being *bigger* than other kids this was from year 3 till bout 5
Then from there I was called stuff I didn't really understand at the time as I was so too my self and didn't ask anything I didn't know what the insults were but I could get that they were one of them that I know now was ginger pubes.... at the time I hadn't a flipping clue so I just laughed this was from year 5-6.
Then came year 7 oh dear worst 3-4 months of my life I hated it so much. it started off just being called fat and stuff but then went onto being decked and stuff thrown at me, one time when going into maths I was pushed down a bunch of stairs and then was asked why I was late.... so after about a month or so of all of this is told my head of year she said we will monitor this bully.... F*** all happened to him, also I little side note this bully found it funny to squeezes boys butts as a *joke* so one time in DT he did it too me and it made me jump as I was sawing wood and I said dude what the hell why did you just squeeze my butt I WAS ONE TO ME TOLD OFF!
so now its about 3months into it and there was gona be a day off coz of a gas leak I was so happy to get a day off from it, then we found it was gona be ok
I cried and cried and cried till my mum asked whats the problem so I explained it all, then after that she said that's it were going in so she kept me home till about 11 then we went into the school. after about a hour talking to my head of year she said well this stuff happens and you need to man up.....
on wards from there I had the same stuff for the next few days then it was the weekend.
the next Monday my mum picked me up and said thats your last Monday there, I didnt understand she explained I was going to be home educated so I have been home educated for wow nearly 3 years im I couldn't be happier,
just wanted to share my experience and that I %100 support you TheMusicCat in saying stop bullying
Holy crap, Evil's back!
And do your parents know about the bullying Music.