Hello Peeps.
Anyway, I've noticed a lot of people starting youtube in ZARP. I've been part of youtube for quite along time, Started on a really basic channel, Now moved onto a more-money making youtube channel with over 70 subs.
Although, 70 doesn't seem that many, considering I upload a video a month it's quite good. Now I've desired you guys to vote If I should move back onto youtube weekly/daily. I have a partnership, really good one, I have a recommendation link below in the spoiler.
If you guys could vote on the poll or even comment down below on how you feel about me and youtube. Now for my youtube link.. I haven't (yet) setup the Custom URL on google/youtube. So I still have the /channel/............
If you guys have any ideas for a Custom URL - /user/[NAME] - Please comment down below as for AceGamingHD has been taken
(Inactive channels). Yes, My youtube cchannel is called Ace GamingHD.
It all started last year, me and a friend wanted to start youtube, Was running fine until we fell out and we both got angry and stressed, then he got angry and deleted majority of the videos, which I was unable to get back. So I had to re-do the whole channel. The channel-Art was pretty simple from experience from myself and some very close (youtube) friends I have who was able to create some art for me.
The display picture is me and a person part of the AceGaming team, called Joe (IGN FOR MC: GOODBADGUY555). We used to have a website, but we just gave up on that due to the inactivity we both had on youtube, My friend (best) from school is also part of the AceGaming team. However he's still figuring out how to get his computer working.
Alright now, I'll go into more detail and information about the current AceGaming Team.
The AceGaming Team is quite small, but we are still growing and will be doing videos with Special Guests! Anyway, Let's start.
Founder - Jack (me), I am age 14. I started youtube a couple of years ago, I love gaming, coding and designing. My most favourite games I would say are Garrys Mod, Minecraft, Simulation games and warefare games. I enjoy doing videos and love everyone who supports us.
Founder - Joe, I am 14 years old and I created my first channel a few years ago. I now nearly own ten channels I don't do anything with. My favourite games that I play nearly daily are GTA 5 and minecraft. I am currently not creating videos for acegaming, but I am going to be in collab videos with the other AceGaming team.
Co Founder - Charlie, I am 13, I started YouTube about 9 months ago, I love gaming, cadets and sports. My favorite games are minecraft, Grand Theft Auto V, Fifa and Simulation games. I enjoy doing videos with AceGaming.
That's the current team.
I am partnershiped with Freedom! But the network, Is ' Voltage Network ' for gamers. The network/patnership is quite good. The payments come 2 months after the video was uploaded.
I.e: October (Monetized) - December payment. etc.
I've been with Freedom! For not that long now, and I have to say they have really good sponsorships. Which you can check out on their youtube channel;
I'll add more discussion + information tomorrow. But For my youtube channel link, It's below.
Enjoy, don't forget to check it out. A subscription would be fantastic! But If you don't want to. I don't mind.
- Zippy