Okay i tried everything except the vpn because i had one before and tried that but nothing works now there are scattered times i get in and i can play but most times i cant and I get A LOT of errors when i try to join ill paste them down below but some of them are repeats of the same thing being repeated but i get all of this
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "generic_smoke"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "WheelDust"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "WheelSplash"!
Requesting 1 lua files from the server
ConVarRef rp_language doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PHYSGUN1_reloadprotection doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PHYSGUN1_iswhitelist doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PHYSGUN1_canblocked doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PHYSGUN1_worldprops doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PHYSGUN1_admincanblocked doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PHYSGUN1_adminworldprops doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PHYSGUN1_checkconstrained doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PHYSGUN1_toggle doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PHYSGUN1_shownocross doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PHYSGUN1_adminall doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GRAVGUN1_noshooting doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GRAVGUN1_iswhitelist doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GRAVGUN1_canblocked doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GRAVGUN1_worldprops doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GRAVGUN1_admincanblocked doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GRAVGUN1_adminworldprops doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GRAVGUN1_checkconstrained doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GRAVGUN1_toggle doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GRAVGUN1_shownocross doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GRAVGUN1_adminall doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PLAYERUSE1_iswhitelist doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PLAYERUSE1_canblocked doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PLAYERUSE1_worldprops doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PLAYERUSE1_admincanblocked doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PLAYERUSE1_adminworldprops doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PLAYERUSE1_checkconstrained doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PLAYERUSE1_toggle doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PLAYERUSE1_shownocross doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_PLAYERUSE1_adminall doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_iswhitelist doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_canblocked doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_protectpropdamage doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_worldprops doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_admincanblocked doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_adminworldprops doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_checkconstrained doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_toggle doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_shownocross doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1_adminall doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_BLOCKMODELSETTINGS1_propsonly doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_BLOCKMODELSETTINGS1_toggle doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_BLOCKMODELSETTINGS1_iswhitelist doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_spawnadmincanblocked doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_duplicatorprotect doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_canblocked doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_spawnadmincanweapon doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_spawniswhitelist doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_worldprops doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_admincanblocked doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_iswhitelist doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_adminworldprops doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_duplicatenoweapons doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_checkconstrained doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_toggle doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_shownocross doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_TOOLGUN1_adminall doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ANTISPAM1_duplicatorlimit doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ANTISPAM1_smallpropdenylimit doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ANTISPAM1_smallpropghostlimit doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ANTISPAM1_smallpropdowngradecount doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ANTISPAM1_antispawninprop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ANTISPAM1_bigpropwait doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ANTISPAM1_toggle doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_ANTISPAM1_bigpropsize doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupdisconnectedtime doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_antispeedhack doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_antie2minge doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupadmin doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupdisconnected doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef M9KExplosiveNerveGas doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef M9KDefaultClip doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef M9KDamageMultiplier doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef DavyCrockettAllowed doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef M9K_Davy_Crockett_Timer doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef DebugM9K doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef M9KAmmoDetonation doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef M9KDisableHolster doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef M9KUniqueSlots doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef M9KDynamicRecoil doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef M9KDisablePenetration doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef M9KWeaponStrip doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FAdmin_immunity doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef FAdmin_logging doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FAdmin_MOTDPage doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef PlayersCanPickUpPlayers doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef AdminsCanPickUpPlayers doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef gmod_physiterations doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
Failed, using default cubemap 'engine/defaultcubemap'
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/humans/female/group01/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/humans/female/group01/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/humans/female/group01/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/humans/female/group01/players_sheet" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/humans/female/group01/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/humans/female/group01/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/humans/male/group01/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/humans/male/group01/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/humans/male/group01/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/humans/male/group01/players_sheet" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/humans/male/group01/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/humans/male/group01/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/police/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/police/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/police/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/police/players_sheet" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/police/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/police/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/gman/plyr_sheet"
Error: Material "models/gman/plyr_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/gman/plyr_sheet"
Error: Material "models/gman/plyr_sheet" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/gman/plyr_sheet"
Error: Material "models/gman/plyr_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/kleiner/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/kleiner/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/kleiner/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/kleiner/players_sheet" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/kleiner/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/kleiner/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/humans/male/group02/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/humans/male/group02/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/humans/male/group02/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/humans/male/group02/players_sheet" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/humans/male/group02/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/humans/male/group02/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/mossman/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/mossman/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/mossman/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/mossman/players_sheet" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/mossman/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/mossman/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/magnusson/players_body"
Error: Material "models/magnusson/players_body" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/magnusson/players_body"
Error: Material "models/magnusson/players_body" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/magnusson/players_body"
Error: Material "models/magnusson/players_body" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/breen/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/breen/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/breen/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/breen/players_sheet" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/breen/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/breen/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/cstrike/t_phoenix"
Error: Material "models/cstrike/t_phoenix" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/cstrike/t_phoenix"
Error: Material "models/cstrike/t_phoenix" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/cstrike/t_phoenix"
Error: Material "models/cstrike/t_phoenix" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/alyx/plyr_sheet"
Error: Material "models/alyx/plyr_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/alyx/plyr_sheet"
Error: Material "models/alyx/plyr_sheet" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/alyx/plyr_sheet"
Error: Material "models/alyx/plyr_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/alyx/plyr_sheet_skin"
Error: Material "models/alyx/plyr_sheet_skin" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/odessa/players_hat"
Error: Material "models/odessa/players_hat" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/odessa/players_hat"
Error: Material "models/odessa/players_hat" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/odessa/players_hat"
Error: Material "models/odessa/players_hat" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/odessa/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/odessa/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/odessa/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/odessa/players_sheet" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/odessa/players_sheet"
Error: Material "models/odessa/players_sheet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/cstrike/t_leet"
Error: Material "models/cstrike/t_leet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/cstrike/t_leet"
Error: Material "models/cstrike/t_leet" : proxy "Multiply" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/cstrike/t_leet"
Error: Material "models/cstrike/t_leet" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin" : proxy "Add" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin2"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin2" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin2"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin2" : proxy "Add" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin5"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin5" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin5"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin5" : proxy "Add" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin6"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin6" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin6"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin6" : proxy "Add" unable to initialize!
Error! Variable "$rimlightexponent" is multiply defined in material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin7"!
Error! Variable "$rimlightexponent" is multiply defined in material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin7"!
Error! Variable "$rimlightexponent" is multiply defined in material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin7"!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin8"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin8" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin8"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin8" : proxy "Add" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin9"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin9" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin9"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin9" : proxy "Add" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin10"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin10" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin10"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin10" : proxy "Add" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin11"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin11" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin11"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin11" : proxy "Add" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin12"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin12" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin12"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin12" : proxy "Add" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin13"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin13" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin13"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin13" : proxy "Add" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin15"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin15" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin1"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin1" : proxy "Equals" unable to initialize!
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin1"
Error: Material "models/tdmcars/shared/skin1" : proxy "Add" unable to initialize!
MDLCache: Failed load of .VTX data for TDMCars\for_focussvt.mdl
No such variable "$phongtint" for material "models/weapons/c_arms_citizen/c_arms_citizen_sleeves"
Error: Material "models/weapons/c_arms_citizen/c_arms_citizen_sleeves" : proxy "Clamp" unable to initialize!
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/phoenix_storms/zc_tube.vmt
ConVarRef _FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupdisconnected doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupadmin doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_antie2minge doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_antispeedhack doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef _FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1_cleanupdisconnectedtime doesn't point to an existing ConVar