As some of you may know, on the first of January this year, I was in PE at school, when my nose was hit my a Hockey Stick. No blood at all, I just though it was a little swollen. It was my last lesson of the day, and when I got home my nose was in agony. I went to my mum so she could see if something had happened. She said the left side of my nose looked swollen, so she looked at my nose and saw some bone blocking three quarters of me nostril. She said it may of been broken, and we rushed me to the hospital within 10 minutes. 2 painful hours waiting in the waiting room later, we got into one of those room things. The doctor had a look at my nose with a funny light thing, and said that I had broken my septum, which blocked one of my nostrils. They said I would need surgery. This caused me to turn white with fear.....
The next week I had the surgery in the ENT department thingy. I missed school and watched Jeremy Kyle whilst I was waiting. They came in and gave me a room and a blue and white gown. They later took me to the surgery place. I remember the journey to the place (Bed travel FTW). When I was in my room, I kissed my mum and dad, and then they injected the sleepy needle.
I woke up not being able to breathe through my nose at all. I sounded like a drunk penguin. My nose was clogged with tissue stuff and the operation was a sucess. I had to stay at the hospital for 8 hours or so, because they needed to "monitor" me. When I got home I had a simple sandwiche, it was hard to eat
. I made my way up to my bed, and attempted to sleep with my nose blocked with STUFF.
I woke up in the morning, my mum was down stairs so I said Good Morning, went to give her a hug, until I felt a sudden need to sneeze. I I still had the blockage so I didn't know what would happen.
I sneezed, causing all the blockage to be dripping from my nose, this was painful and there was a lot of blood. The only thing I was thinking of was "HOLY CRAP I CAN BREATHE THROUGH MY NOSE". My mum had a look at my nose until she saw that my nose was still half blocked with bone. I went silent, and went up stairs.
Every day I have pain in my nose.
Now the reason I made this post.
The other day my dad got a phone call from the hospital, saying that I needed a checkup. So at the weekend we went back to the hospital where I had the best hotdog ever (I thought hospital food was bad). My mum told the doctor what happened with the sneeze incident and he had a look. He said that I needed the bone physically removed from my nose. He said there was a problem, and he gave me 2 choices.
Have the surgery the next week, but have a small nose forever
OR Have pain everyday until the main bit of puberty has finished. I chose the second one.
4 days later I'm still proud of the decision I made. And I decided to share something with you guys.
This was me when I was in the hospital. <3
As you can see, my nose was blocked and lumpy.
Hurry up puberty!
And remember guys...
- The Gamer Guy (Keiron)