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Hey all, this topic is asking for advice as well as reason why I am so inactive. So lets start out my day at the play of satin(School) from 8am-3pm. Then after that I have football practice from 3:30pm to ~7pm, then of course I have homework and other bull shit to do. And yes some days I wanna chill with my friends, so I really only can be on the PC for 1 hour if I am not out. I try to be on DarkRP as much as possible but I feel really bad being so inactive. So this is my question, should I stay inactive throughout my football season or should I resign for 2 months and then come back? I feel like i am holding a spot for a better moderator to get promoted. Let me know guys, thanks for reading, -Creamy
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Thanks for letting us know, do whatever you think is the best and don't let other people decide for you. Perhaps try asking the lead team if you can talk to them and maybe you can figure something out, a little break from admin if they agree or something.
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I already told dcx aBit ago youre prolly gonna be inactive cuz football is hours of practice and film watching, so i dont think it should be a problem
I've never been happy.
I basically was headadmin on everything. I was the badgewhore.
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illusioN wrote:
Thanks for letting us know, do whatever you think is the best and don't let other people decide for you. Perhaps try asking the lead team if you can talk to them and maybe you can figure something out, a little break from admin if they agree or something. Ya thanks illusion, I just don't wanna get demoted for it, I will speak to lead team to let them know. Brusk_Macaroon wrote: I already told dcx aBit ago youre prolly gonna be inactive cuz football is hours of practice and film watching, so i dont think it should be a problem Thanks bro, a fellow American knows how we do |
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Honestly? If you want my opinion on this, I think you should resign. Sorry to say so, but it looks like you don't have enough time to play on ZARP. You really need to concentrate on doing your Homework and studying along with football, since that's what is important for you. I mean getting home on 7 pm, doing homework, then going on to play for an hour, if you aren't out with friends, is not enough activity. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say because and I hope you don't think I have a grudge or something towards you, since I don't and would tell you if I did.
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