5. The Simpsons ~ Because I watched Simpsons almost my whole life with my Father, and I love the flow of new supporting characteres and celebrities.
4. Spongebob Squarepants ~ Because when I was young, I watched Spongebob So much, that my family made nicknames for each other because of Spongebob
3. Adventure Time ~ A Fairly new one, that I personaly love. It is like a Western Anime. Sometimes it can be pretty emotional. It gets you right there. But it is always either funny, or Epic as shit. And I suggest LightArrows to watch it
2. South Park ~ I LOVE SOUTH PARK. I fucking love it. When I found out about it, I thought it sucked, but when I looked at it for the first time on my TV, I couldn't stop watching. Glorious.
1. Ed Edd n' Eddy ~ My Childhood. I just cannot let it go. Oh my god I loved this show as a Child, and I still watch it time to time just because of the Nostalgia. When I was a Child, I would shit in my pants just because I didn't want to miss Ed Edd n' Eddy. Truly Awesome.