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A Jolly Walrus: Aarron
Details A Jolly Walrus: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198086468468/: STEAM_0:0:63101370: Current Gametracker Profile: Server 1 www.gametracker.com/server_info/94.23.19...walrus&Search=Search Server 2 www.gametracker.com/server_info/94.23.19...walrus&Search=Search 15: English: DR Related --MOD APPS-- How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: Firstly, i would politely ask them, showing no anger in my tone, to stop being disrespectful to the other person he/she is being disrespectful to. If they continue to talk in a disrespectful manor i would 'gag' him/her and allow about 5-10 minutes before i would 'ungag' them, and if the person is still being disrespectful i would repeat the process of gagging them. Then if they continue to talk/act in a disrespectful way, they would be warned, and if they collect enough warnings, then they would receive a ban. Why I should be chosen: I think that i should be chosen, although i haven't played an enormous amount of time on the 2 servers, i am familiar with the rules, both general and the death run servers rules. I have played with a lot of players on the server who have been a joy to play with, and i feel apart of the servers community. I think that i should be chosen because i am a friendly person who will be able to handle with any situations that occur in the server, and that i am a reliable and a rule abiding player as i have not received any warnings nor bans, and i will be readily available if one of the servers has no staff on to keep an eye out if anyone attempts to break any of the rules. |
Last Edit: 10 years 4 months ago by AJollyWalrus.
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I've made some adjustments, if theres anything else i need to add, please let me know.
Last Edit: 10 years 4 months ago by AJollyWalrus.
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Dear Ajollywalrus.
First of all, if your ingame name is Ajollywalrus you should name your application "[DR] Ajollywalrus moderator application" secondly, you have not included the correct gametracker links. these are your links: Server 1 www.gametracker.com/server_info/94.23.19...walrus&Search=Search Server 2 www.gametracker.com/server_info/94.23.19...walrus&Search=Search Also, when i go check your time on the gametracker, it doesnt even show up. which might mean that you havnt played enough on the server for it to register your time. Your appliaction looks rushed. even though you seem like a nice guy, i have never met you on the servers before. which is why my final verdict for this application is: -Support |
Last Edit: 10 years 4 months ago by RandomdudeDK.
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I agree with random this application looks really rushed, I would recommend using the edit button and going through and spending some time writing your application properly.
Also i have looked up your GT Stats for both s1 and s2,and for s1 your game time is good but for s2 you have only played on it for 2.42 hours. I would also recommend getting your gametime up on s2 before friday. My final verdict for this application is Neutral . |
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