Jelly, I was never disrespectful to you when you were talking to me and Deputy was the one that started the argument. He keeps mocking me, I'm not even talking to him.
Also, if people complained about me making jokes, why didn't they just stand up and tell me this instead of crying to you on TS3? That's pathetic how you're so biased against me, I don't even see why.
Also 2 weeks for making jokes about Holokaust once is a little bit too harsh. Nobody in the channel got offended and everyone was joking about 9/11 and Holokaust. Matthew was faking that he got offended so he could have an excuse to report me.
If I said that, I would've been banned, because I don't suck Admins' dicks and I don't have special priviledges.
Stop bullying me Deputy, leave me alone, you're 21, fucking act your age, not like a spoiled 9 years old brat.
Nameful, I have banned you not just because you called Hahzy a douchebag but the weeks leading up to the ban you were making mindless, wreckless and ignorant jokes about the holocaust. Many people were offended by this and complained about this to all teamspeak moderators.
If I said that, I would've been banned, because I don't suck Admins' dicks and I don't have special priviledges.
Stop bullying me Deputy, leave me alone, you're 21, fucking act your age, not like a spoiled 9 years old brat.
Nameful, can't you add Jellybean on steam? I mean this thread keeps getting bumped a lot and for no reason, that's not including the people interfering with your talk with him. Jellybean add him on steam please!
He doesn't want to add me on Steam because he hates me and he thinks I am a worse person than him. He's also brainwashed by Chris to think that I'm a nazi.
He's also brainwashed by Chris to think that I'm a nazi.
I've never spoke to Jellybean about you, and frankly, I have better things to do.
This is also not a proper appeal and won't get you anywhere. Anyway, I heard it's forecast for sunny spells and utter bullshit, so I'll lock this thread down now.
Oh my god, you really don't know why you're banned. IF you act the same way you act on the forum in Team Speak you deserve to be perma banned. You tell deputy to "Act his age" When you're acting like a prissy little kid that if he doesn't get what he wants he's going to scream. Grow up you're acting like a child. Not only are you acting like a child, you're swearing like you came right out of a Little Wayne song. You need to grow up and act YOUR age before a little team speak ban is the least of your worries.