League of Legends 1v1 Tournament
10 years 5 months ago #56287
Hello Zarp users!
I am proud to announce that Zarp (Chris and Myself) will be hosting a league of legends 1v1 tournament.
I would like to do this on Saturday afternoon around 3pm GMT (Before the meeeting)
So here is how it will work, each player will randomly be placed vs another. It will be a best of three. (first to win 2 games)
It will be a knockout stage. With the finals being a Best of five.
So here are the rules/Things to know
1: First to either Kill the opponent, take the first turret or get 100 minion kills win.
2: It will be blind pick
3: You will be playing on the Howling Abyss
4: No rematches.
5: The more people that play the higher the event winner prize will be.
6: It will be streamed so best behavior
7:The server will be EUwest
8:Also be on the Teamspeak server around 2.30pm on Saturday, otherwise we will presume you aren't attending.
Please do comment below If you would like to play, Along with your In game Name.