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Name - BeastGmod
STEAM-ID - STEAM_0:0:62702484 Admins name - xhantium Reason - I DONT KNOW . Server - ZARP DARK RP 1 Time - 3 WEEKS 1HOUR Story - Ok so some of you may know me , I left zarp then my m8 posted a inaporpiate picture on here , ive apologised and so today I thorught id come on garrys mod and play some dark rp , I get on the server and get slayed by xhantium as soon as I joined the server and I said why you do this and he said because I had a gun as a citizen even check the logs , first of all he was a gangster not a police so that was just abuse of powers as he clearly remembers me from when I last got banned. secondly he comes and stalks me at me and my friends base and he accuses me of propblock when I was setting up a fading door and by safe for printers. he just bans me without even talking to me or explaining the reason. this is blatent power abuse from xhantium. Proof - Any proof on a video/screenshot that clearly show what happened? no Extra information - its funny how the same admin that ban me last time did it strait away when I join |
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We have solved this over an steam/ingame chat.
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