I am so sad right now.
You are probably asking yourself: "Why?". Because
Now, how did this happen? Well, i went on to buy the VIP with my mother, since i still don't have a credit card because i am 14 years old. But i had to "Create a PayPal Account" to do that. Now, i cannot unfortunately do that, because my mother's email, was already on PayPal. Now, "how?" you might ask. It's because some Chinese dude already registered on my mothers email, some hacker i presume. Now unless i can pay on Visa's website, i cannot buy ZARP VIP. This makes me very sad and i hope that there will be a solution in the near future. Thank you.
EDIT: My mother also added 20,00 Euros (Good as 19.95$) on her credit card, but because i cannot buy VIP, i bought Portal, Portal 2, and Titan Quest. Even though i got some good games, i am still in a very sad state.