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Evenin' everyone. Just posting this to let you know while I'll not be on for a short while.
You might only see me playing low end games for a while. Computer pretty much blew up on Tuesday, which is why you probably not have heard from me since then. I've got it somewhat working again with some spare parts, but don't expect me to go on any games like Garry's Mod, TF2 and all that for a short while. My order for parts such as new RAM, processor and brand spanking new graphics card 'n etc should arrive tomorrow, if not, Monday. Just thought I'd share this before people think I've disappeared or something. |
Last Edit: 10 years 7 months ago by Angelus.
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Angelus!!! We missed you bro Get your Pc fixed soon, we're waiting
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It's ok as long as you upload a signature with your face then I will be happy.
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