So, I was making uranium twice on server, yesteryday and today.. I always find a good hiding spot and that's it.. nobody raids me - ever.
But the problem is prop spammers, DDoS, i was discconected from server yesteryday and lost my uranium printer and nuclear printer while taking stuff from it for only about 1 hour, so it wasn't worth..
And today there was big DDoS attack and I lost 2 gold printers, 1 nuclear printer, 1 sapphrire printer and a uranium printer..
I know many people lost money at this way, but please fix this problem or atleast give me money back.. I am currentely so pissed off, I might stop playing, don't know why...
Here are the pictures:
Click - imgur album
If somebody is too lazy:
PS. If I posted this at the wrong part of the forum please move my post., and if template is bad please give me link of a good template.