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TOPIC: I lost about 6,5 millions

I lost about 6,5 millions 10 years 9 months ago #48158

So, I was making uranium twice on server, yesteryday and today.. I always find a good hiding spot and that's it.. nobody raids me - ever.

But the problem is prop spammers, DDoS, i was discconected from server yesteryday and lost my uranium printer and nuclear printer while taking stuff from it for only about 1 hour, so it wasn't worth..

And today there was big DDoS attack and I lost 2 gold printers, 1 nuclear printer, 1 sapphrire printer and a uranium printer..
I know many people lost money at this way, but please fix this problem or atleast give me money back.. I am currentely so pissed off, I might stop playing, don't know why...
Here are the pictures: Click - imgur album
If somebody is too lazy:

PS. If I posted this at the wrong part of the forum please move my post., and if template is bad please give me link of a good template. :)
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Drug dealer pl0x.

750k per day. ^^
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I lost about 6,5 millions 10 years 9 months ago #48159

I don't think the Upper Administration gives refunds.
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I lost about 6,5 millions 10 years 9 months ago #48160

Well It isn't my fault if host isn't strong enough.. I donated for vip and donated for no reason and still I lose everything ..
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Drug dealer pl0x.

750k per day. ^^
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I lost about 6,5 millions 10 years 9 months ago #48162

Xillenn I feel you bro. Losing all your printers and uranium production units is a pain in the ass but we don't give out refunds due to the fact that we would need to refund everyone whenever someone decides to DDoS the server. Our host is actually good at blocking DDoS attacks and prop spammers are usually taken care of instantly or don't even have an affect on the server. As much as this sucks we cannot give out refunds unless it is an issue with the gamemode for example when we first released the recent update we had an issue with inventory and money not saving so we refunded those that told us they lost items.

Sorry but I don't think anything will be refunded from this.
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I lost about 6,5 millions 10 years 9 months ago #48166

they could easily be photoshopped, i could make anyone have a picture with 500mil and full heroic printers in 10 minutes. its just your fault for basing on the war-days ( friday, saturday, sunday )
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dont rdm
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I lost about 6,5 millions 10 years 9 months ago #48168

Normally id just ignore this thread and say fake and gay, but I have to say what this player is saying is most likely true.

My friend sold a shit ton of uranium to blazer Harper for 22mil and upon logging on last night all of his money was gone.

I've also has a small experience with a similar issue. Where I've lost a few mil(maybe about 8 or 9 mil total), but haven't really complained due to the amount of money I have in total.

But yeah I just wanted to reply to the thread to shed a little bit of validity to what this guy is claiming because I don't see as to of why a guy would lie about losing like 6mil because it's not all that much.

If staff won't give this guy compensation I just might do it myself because it's definitely not cool to lose money over server issues that we have no means to control, and it's definitely not cool to not give compensation over things like this.

Also, lazybro the server does not have good ddos protection that I'll tell you right now and on the update I lost about 20mil which I bought from blazer and asked numerous admins for comp and told me that they won't be giving comp for that issue, which if they did, I'd really appreciate that 20mil lol, blazer can vouch that I had that because I've bought a total of around 150 mil from him.
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I lost about 6,5 millions 10 years 9 months ago #48176

The DDoS protection serves a good enough purpose but lets be honest here, which gmod server does actually have good DDoS protection? Not very many. Also if refunds were to be made to all players claiming they lost stuff then Chute would spend most of his day giving out refunds which takes too much time and effort and can be easily exploited by liars.

Also this is directed at Swami, can you please stop posting on players who have genuine questions or concerns with sarcasm or ignorance. If you have nothing relevant or useful to say to players that are in need of help then you should not say anything at all. You are doing nothing but further the point of why you are not yet ready to be promoted and certainly showing that you might not be worthy of the moderator rank. Feel free to post useless replies on other topics but posts like these should be answered properly so the person is informed properly.
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