Sortus wrote:
I also agree that all those explosive weapons are way too over powered, I've tried to convince lead team to get rid of them but they decided to "nerf" them, I think it's completely unfair for new players because they are getting raided all the time by people with those weapons and they don't have a chance to get any money, also many people use these weapons to annoy people for example by destroying their base all the time or destroying their base while they are building, many people are leaving because of these reasons and we are/will lose players if we don't remove them or make them a lot weaker and only admins and old players can afford to make those weapons and they use them to destroy new player's role play. That is my opinion, I tried to tell few people about that but usually their response was "Sortus, you seem pretty mad".
convince lead team to get rid of them but they decided to "nerf" them
Convincing a whole team on
you're own is hard sometimes, but now that they see
more people hate it they might re-think their decisions.
I think it's completely unfair for new players
Indeed thats the whole point, including me
alot of players are mad in chat the whole time.
No one is able to build a normal base and why would they? its gone in a matter of seconds anyway.
Sortus, you seem pretty mad
People that say that to you are buttmad are immature 12 year old kids.