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TOPIC: The recent Update

The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47884

Before we start, please keep in mind that English isnt my first language.

Hey guys, Ahmed al-jazeeri here.
I know i normally don't post Constructive posts on the forum, but this time i just had to.

Ok so recently the zarp servers got updated as we all know. we love some of the stuff they added but mostly its hated.
The reason why i'm typing this is because some of the weapons that are ingame is just way to overpowerd and i think 80% hates it, the 20% that atm are ingame that love the weapon's are either the brother clan or the Harper clan, i will come back to that.

Lets start with some weapons shall we?


The mossberg weapon:
awesome shotgun dont get me wrong, but its totaly imbalanced @ zarp.
The spread of the weapon just looks like you are using aimbot from far, and from close its 2 hit when you have full health and armor and you are just dead, and lets not forget the speed of it.

TLDR: Mossberg realy overpowerd weapon, from close range to far range.


ObitalStrike/Milkor mk1 GL

Most gamebreaking weapons ingame atm, i've played 2 days straight and no one is trying to make a base because its gone within seconds.
alot of people are against these 2 weapons and alot of people want these 2 weapons gone.
I don't even know why these 2 were even added in the first place as everyone could have guessed how gamebreaking it is.

TLDR: Orbital strike/milkor mk1 GL both way to overpowerd weapons and has to go.

Suggestion/way to fix: remove orbital strike with milkor and lower the power of mossberg.


Organisation : The Harper clan and the Brother clan, Both way to overpowerd, with Orbital or milkor, these 2 clans are terrorizing the servers atm.
With these weapons they are basicly tearing the server apart.
Dont get me wrong, i like the admins (Most of them) but some of them are abusing the shit out of it.

Suggestion/way to fix: Add a clan limit of 10/15 players.

The map: Loving the map, thought when i downloaded the map few weeks ago, the map was different, it had a sewer system to start with and a massive underground base which i truely loved.
It's sad to see that these 2 were removed/blocked in the map zarp released, as atm there is no point in being a mutant.

TLDR: Awesome map, missing the sewers/underground base (pointless to play Mutant).



VIP job limit counts as a normal job limit, i think personaly when there are 4 miners and a vip becomes a miner he/she shouldnt be holding the 5th place and should be count from 6th so that the first 5 can be hold by normal players.

(WILL UPDATE WHEN I FIND MORE) Some bugs that the server has:

F4 bug: When you join the server and press f4 while loading, your f4 bugs out and you have to relog to fix it.


I hope you guys appreciate what i wrote and keep it civilized in this topic.

Much love, Ahmed.
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Last Edit: 10 years 9 months ago by Giovanni.
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The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47885

The M202, Orbital Strike and Milkor are all overpowered right now but we have had a couple ideas on how to fix it and make it more balanced. One of them being to add a 2 minute wait period between equipping and holstering these weapons so that way the other players get a chance to kill them after they do it and also to make the ammo not refresh once holstered and re-equipped and instead add a crafting system for the ammunition as well using uranium which can take quite a while to produce. The exact amount of uranium was not exactly specified but these changes seem the most fitting for now.
After all we don't want players who spent a lot of time and effort to craft these items to feel it is a 1 time use and useless afterwards and instead would like to add something they have to do to work on getting ammo for them. :)
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The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47886

LazyBro wrote:
The M202, Orbital Strike and Milkor are all overpowered right now but we have had a couple ideas on how to fix it and make it more balanced. One of them being to add a 2 minute wait period between equipping and holstering these weapons so that way the other players get a chance to kill them after they do it and also to make the ammo not refresh once holstered and re-equipped and instead add a crafting system for the ammunition as well using uranium which can take quite a while to produce. The exact amount of uranium was not exactly specified but these changes seem the most fitting for now.
After all we don't want players who spent a lot of time and effort to craft these items to feel it is a 1 time use and useless afterwards and instead would like to add something they have to do to work on getting ammo for them. :)

Yes but you have to understand that we are what makes the community, and the community dont even want these 2 items in the game.
I mean i understand that if you have the weapons you wanna keep them, i respect that.
But its just gamebreaking and you know that.
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The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47890

I think that Ahmed is right, most of the players are either too poor to get these things or too new, so this is definitely unfair for them. Being raided in a few seconds by destroying a base that they worked for a few hours on.... I don't like the sound of this.... Many people might abandon zarp because of that, plus there are many complaints about this issue. I think that they should be removed ASAP. We need the fun in raiding back too :)
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AKA Victor
Last Edit: 10 years 9 months ago by DarthVader.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Giovanni

The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47892

I also agree that all those explosive weapons are way too over powered, I've tried to convince lead team to get rid of them but they decided to "nerf" them, I think it's completely unfair for new players because they are getting raided all the time by people with those weapons and they don't have a chance to get any money, also many people use these weapons to annoy people for example by destroying their base all the time or destroying their base while they are building, many people are leaving because of these reasons and we are/will lose players if we don't remove them or make them a lot weaker and only admins and old players can afford to make those weapons and they use them to destroy new player's role play. That is my opinion, I tried to tell few people about that but usually their response was "Sortus, you seem pretty mad".
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Last Edit: 10 years 9 months ago by Sortus.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Jackelele, DarthVader, MidNa, Giovanni

The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47893

Again, i completely agree with you sortus :)
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AKA Victor
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The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47895

Sortus wrote:
I also agree that all those explosive weapons are way too over powered, I've tried to convince lead team to get rid of them but they decided to "nerf" them, I think it's completely unfair for new players because they are getting raided all the time by people with those weapons and they don't have a chance to get any money, also many people use these weapons to annoy people for example by destroying their base all the time or destroying their base while they are building, many people are leaving because of these reasons and we are/will lose players if we don't remove them or make them a lot weaker and only admins and old players can afford to make those weapons and they use them to destroy new player's role play. That is my opinion, I tried to tell few people about that but usually their response was "Sortus, you seem pretty mad".
convince lead team to get rid of them but they decided to "nerf" them
Convincing a whole team on you're own is hard sometimes, but now that they see more people hate it they might re-think their decisions.
I think it's completely unfair for new players
Indeed thats the whole point, including me alot of players are mad in chat the whole time.
No one is able to build a normal base and why would they? its gone in a matter of seconds anyway.
Sortus, you seem pretty mad

People that say that to you are buttmad are immature 12 year old kids.
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Last Edit: 10 years 9 months ago by Giovanni.
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The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47896

Today there has been multiple players getting very frustrated at all of the big gangs orbital striking their bases. A main thing that is annoying them is the mass amounts of the overpowered explosives that when used on a new players base gets them incredibly mad and possible makes them leave the server.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Jackelele, MidNa, Giovanni

The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47897

He's right, I've played on this server a lot lately and it was so much fun to base and raid. Raiding used 2 be hard and fun but now with the new OP launchers it's 2easy, in one click all your hard work of building a defense is thrown away. Nerfing the weopon is NOT the option, it needs to be deleted ASAP. And about the mossberg, i love the weapon but tbh the shotgun is 2 op, 2 shots can put you from 100hp and 150 armor to 0/0... look at all the responses, it is clear that it's not only unfair for starters, but also for the people who enjoy making a strong base and defending it with a good defense. Hope 2 see some changes.
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The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47905

Here is how it goes, you build a nice difficult entrance for your base so that people have difficulties to raid it but wait then comes that shitty orbit strike and destroys that entrance instantly destroying the entrance. Does that not make you pissed? you take about 30 minutes or less to build a nice difficult entrance and 5 minutes later all your shit is gone, yeah you can advance duplicate it but some people may forget and because of that reason people leave and play on another server that does not have this shitty griefing system of a orbital strike.

Shotgun is OP as shit I was in a fight today with a few admins cause they were raiding with that shitty orbital strike thing again and killed them both with a few shots, also the range was ridiculous it's like a fucking sniper. What I suggest to do for the shotgun is give it less range, more spread so that it does not do shit loads of damage.

Overall I think that the orbital strike was the worst idea that could ever be implemented, it can be abused so easily I mean hey, you raid one base let that shitty gun recharge and raid another base meaning that there are barely any bases left for people to raid. It also destroys the raiding part because instead of having difficulties to raid you just blow their shit up run inside and shoot them with that OP shotgun.

The orbital strike is one of the reasons why the server is receiving lag I mean damn dude you shoot that thing and your base props de-freeze and fly everywhere as well as collapsing in each other which the server RAM may not handle sometimes when there are many people on the server, many admins also have to freeze the props in order to solve the lag due to the props causing lag which can be for example from the orbital strike.

- Mohammed Al-Jazeeri
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Last Edit: 10 years 9 months ago by Barbieque.
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The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47931

Bumping this topic up, more people have to read and reply to it.
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The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47946

Mohammed (barbieque) is right: "The orbital strike is one of the reasons why the server is receiving lag I mean damn dude you shoot that thing and your base props de-freeze and fly everywhere as well as collapsing in each other which the server RAM may not handle sometimes when there are many people on the server, many admins also have to freeze the props in order to solve the lag due to the props causing lag which can be for example from the orbital strike." This is also an issue, i have experienced major lagg when a big base/defense with many props is being hit by the launcher. When used on small bases it laggs a little, but when many props unfreeze and fly trough the air it causes major lagg. Again here nerfing is not the solution. If Zarp is smart and listens to the community, they see will see that it needs to be removed. I understand that the weapon is fun, but it doesn't fit the server and it's way to unbalanced...
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Last Edit: 10 years 9 months ago by MidNa.
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The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47959

These weapons should get removed because a player named Love ..... has made a small bank ok he opened it and BAM Everyone in died and they destroyed every prop with it!
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The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47995

lets be honey u guys say Orbital strike too op and things like that cuz u guys dont like hardworking ÍF u mine for 2 hours easy money and steel and ta - daa her is ur launcher etc. and that craft stuff makes People spend moře TİME on The server wish is good
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<3 &2<3
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The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #47999

its not the case of money, i can buy the orbital strike or the RPG thats not the case here.
Have you even been reading the shit i've posted G_o_r_k_e_m? cause it seems like you diddnt.
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The recent Update 10 years 9 months ago #48061


Waiting for a Developer to give us some updates.
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