Today our fellow admin Jelly is leaving due to him not revising for his education we will all miss you, you were an important part of the community you will be missed by all
I will miss jelly he pushed me and gave me confidence to apply for mod and for other things also he is fun to be with will always make me laugh and will always be in out hearts Goodbye JELLY
Wait what?!
Jelly is.. is gone?!
What was with the happy funtimes we had yesterday?!
What happened? God damn, i really liked him, that's that kind of news, where i hope this will not be confirmed, and if yes, i do believe this is gonna be a sad day for all of us.
If that's true, what Dawg said, then i'll say: Thank you Jelly, for everything you have done. You did a great job. And when all of your problems are solved and you feel like coming back please do that, we need people like you.
I am forced to leave because of education. I am attempting to try to go on at least 1 hour (8-9 UK Time) every night and more on weekends. I made this decision last night as I have never felt this much love in ages and decided to try my best to stick to ZARP. I hope to see you all in game soon and thanks for all the love and support! See some of you in the DarkRP meeting tonight!.