It has come to my attention the amount of staff members has increased greatly
therefore there is no reason for me to be a staff member anymore because
the reason i became a moderated was to watch the server but now there are
many staff members to watch it for me I think I should watch the server
and maybe reapply in a month or 2 and remember to have fun on ZARP
I would like to say thank you to all the staff members that help me out GOOD BYE ZARP AND I LOVE YOU ALL.
I Mr.Grim resign from Zarp's darkrp server
thank you for your time.
Goodbye Adley it was fun seeing you moderate and RP with you. You state in your resign that their are to many staff, I dont feel like there is because I am the one all the time doing F1's and Admin On Duty, it is your choice though so have fun on whatever you plan to do.
thank you all and I might be applied in a month or two
I'll still be on Zarp if guys wanna play and I hope you all get your ranks
you are applying for.
Adley has rejoined the staff team due to the 3-day rejoin system for resignations.
I personally would like to welcome back Adley to the staff team and hope he continues to do the good job he usually does.