Hello ZARP, I am making this post to find out what the community would like to see if a CSS server was to be created and any possible suggestions welcome.
I am letting you know that if I was asked "Are we going to get this CSS server" the reply will be "possibly". It is possible that we will be creating a CSS server but that is heavily dependent on the response we get to this post. If you feel you would like this server to be created you need to speak out and voice your suggestions and questions.
In this post I would like you to post any map and/or gamemode preferences if possible as it will help us out if this gains a big enough traction because we will need to make a gamemode and map choice poll as well. The best suggestions that fit the communities choice will be made into the next poll but for now I suggest gathering your friends and informing them about the this new ZARP poll.
Thanks For Reading. Hope to hear your feedback.