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RP Name [Z] -gogo3a-
Link to Steam Profile steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079994410 SteamID STEAM_0:0:59864341 Age 14 almost 15 Estimated Server Time 108.23+ hours or more Languages I speak UK 10/10 DarkRP Related Explain Random Death Match and give an example scenario. RDM is when you kill someone for no reason or a job that cant kill say if I was at spawn and I saw a guy I dont like and I kill them that is RDM. or when you start a random death match. So say if i was walking along and I wanted to Kill somone because I felt like It Thats is RDM so gogo3a saw a guy named Anton and so gogo3a pulls out his gun and shoots Anton that is rdm Explain New Life Rule and give an example scenario. When you go back to death place in 3 minutes like when you are raiding and you get killed you go back to death place . And you must not remember anything about there base name or location or even what happed like you cant report it to the police because it is your new life. And so this is common sence in role play and if this is not followed it really makes role playing quite different in a bad way. So gogo3a is raiding a base and dies so in 1 min he rushes back to the base to raid again that is rdm Explain Meta-gaming and give an example scenario. If I use /ooc To do this it means Im out of that charter Like Showing them a screen shot or maybe finding them in-game and messaging them Or like if you want to have a guard for a bank you would say go to spawn to be my guard of the town bank. So gogo3a wants to kill some mutants so he says /ooc Anyone whanna kill some mutants. Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 150 words). Hi yes it is me gogo3a here again applying for mod yes im going to go and speek more about how i can help and not my artistic and dyslexic needs this time im going to explain how I can help the server. Ok to begin with I am a very active player and well know by people I help and go around welcoming new player and helping them setel in helping them with any concerns and questions about ZARP dark rp. But i really need that power to help more as player often use F1 instead of going to another user so I know alot of the rules now and I stop the rule beakers as much as I can as most times they don't listen to a normal user. I have started to join the team speek and talking to some mods and admins and getting to know them alot more and helping mods with the stuff the player is not happy with after a F1 is delt with and i think this really helps the players as not allways does the player think the F1 has been delt with so i can really at times with people not noticing so if you would like my help and my will to go in the server that little bit more I am more than welcome. Thanks for reading any problems you can always contact me in game or tell me below thanks. PS: Im coming back and not leaving I was inactive as school tests/work was in my way but im back now. And used same app as i have just improved my time. |
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