First of all I am going to start by letting you know the reason I made this is because I tend to linger around the forums actively and have been noticing that since I got a couple negative karma points from a few people I got banned from the server I have started to see a lot of negative karma being put on me. I do not negatively reply to people's posts and I also don't act childish on the forum. If that I help more people on the forums than criticise. I noticed today that I reached a whopping total of -10 karma which doesn't seem bad to me it's just that it gives that reputation of being a negative person who is disliked in the community and part of the reason I got these from what I suspect is inflated forum accounts. such as the 6 that were created today who actually have 0 in-game time according to the stats on gametracker (I find it hard to believe that none of these 6 users use the same name as their steam name. Not even one.
I am asking that a forum moderator or staff could check if the 6 forum accounts created are the ones that gave me the extra negative 6 karma and if they could be undone as I would prefer not to look like the negative one on the forums.
Forum Accounts Created Recently:
I am also going to add as a side note that I have recently had a run in with somebody in-game who was Turkish (I think not 100% sure) but these names all seem to have a similar ring to them and are out of the ordinary English names.
Again I am sorry but this stuff gets to me as I do struggle from a bipolar behaviour disorder and if my guard is down stuff throws me off. Any other day and this stuff wouldn't of bothered me but today I think it is immature and unfitting that I have this many negative karma points.