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TOPIC: Tip of the day

Tip of the day 11 years 3 weeks ago #39422

Tip of the day-
Use nitroglycerine (or however its pronounced)
Here is why its useful
+Can unfreeze props (you can use it as breaching charge)
+As drug dealer you will get some some for making it
+You can make multi of them
+You can make a trap with it
-Takes a long time to make
-Can kill you if too close
-Some random guy can just shoot the bomb
-You can get busted if your making it
-Can take a long time to carry it

So yeah those are pros and cons. hope you like it and I will try to make like this a daily thing and hope you will find some use of this tip
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Tip of the day #1 11 years 3 weeks ago #39463

You should create a post and add to it whenever you can, even let the community add to it as well. Like a little guide sort of system where players could share their experiences of certain aspects of the game like some handy little things with jobs like drug dealer/gun dealer and so on.
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Tip of the day 11 years 3 weeks ago #39496

Tip of the day #2
The skill tree

There are many skills in the ZARP darkRP but most important are probably these ones.
Lockpicking-your default timer when you lockpick is about 60 seconds AKA 1 minute and every level decreases the lockpicking by five seconds. So when you max out the lockpicking you will lockpick in 30 seconds (pretty fast). To level up lockpicking you must lockpick other people doors (this includes the door tool too). Each successful lockpick will give you 50XP (or 100 cant remember ATM)

Keypad cracking-your default keypad cracking is 60 seconds AKA 1 minute the same as lockpick it removes 5 seconds of your keypad cracking so you will crack in 30 seconds (Pretty fast). To level up the cracking skill you must crack other people keypads. This will not work if your using on your own keypad. That is to prevent from whoring the levels. Each successful crack will give you 100XP

Stamina-when you have maxed out stamina you can carry 30 pounds or kg (depending on what country your in) in your inventory. It is the same carrying weight as the bank and trust me I have alot of stuff in my bank and inventory. The stamina also gives you additional punching damage. Sadly you can only get fists in events so that is useful. You can level up this skill by just walking around and doing the same as before. Because you will not even notice how fast you will level it up.I do not know how much or how to level the stamina it levels itself.

Mining-you can only mine stone and your success rate is lower. the higher your level the more success rate you will get and you will able to mine gold (level 2) and ruby (level 3).To level up mining skill you must get the mineral successfully because if it writes: ''You failed to mine rock'' it means you didint get the XP. You will get from 10XP to 50XP

Crafting-You can get a hammer from miner NPC and its best combined with mining skill and miner (job). Because you will need resources and its best to craft when you have about level 3 mining. You will get diffrent amount of XP on the object. You will have to craft near the second petrol station near the mining area.

Growing-It is probably the side bone of the drug dealer, because of the drugs. the things you can get when your leveling your growing skill. Level 1 (carrots) Level 2 (melon and weed) Level 3 (mushrooms). You will get more stuff when you collect when you level up. to level up you must collect grown plant. its gives you.........I think depends on the plant but I think default is...100XP.
If you do not know how to plant the seeds you must have a seed and a pot. You grab the seed with gravity gun and just push the seeds to the pot and BAM! you get yourself a growing seed.

So thank you for reading this this was a long one but probably one of the most useful. so as I said I will probably make this daily and if you want you can suggest on what shoud I do next.
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Tip of the day 11 years 3 weeks ago #39546

Tip of the day #3
Drugs and their effects

There are many drugs in ZARP darkRP. Couple of them are useful and some not... but I will list the things you get from their effects and how much money and time do they take/earn.

Shitty alcohol (I'm not kidding that's how its called)
Probably by the name it means well..that's shitty...
You don't get many effects for your advantage but you will get some effects for disadvantages
+Takes only 30 seconds to make
+You earn about 100$ from a single one
?-If you like having kind of barfed vision then you can drink it

-Each time you use the alcohol you will lose 10 health
-100$ in ZARP is like...25 cents
?-If you do not like barfed vision then don't tkae it

It is pretty much as shitty alcohol
+Takes only (1 min or 45 seconds)
+You will earn 200$
+? if you like barfed vision go ahead

-You will loose 10 HP on each drink
-200$ in ZARP is like 50 cent! (get it?...50cent? ok i'll stop...)
-? If you like barfed vision don't drink it

Probably the most useful drug in the ZARP. The reason its most useful drug is because it removes all effects from previous drugs and restores your HP to 100
+It don't take that long to make
+Usually its legal
+You make about 300-400$ (don't remember)
+Removes all drug effects (Positive and negative)

-Cops probably will still count it as a drug...
-Removes all drug effects (Positive and negative)
-You still have about 75 cents (or more...I coud be mistaked)

Ambi.....(some long name I can't remember)
The fact is I am dumb....and I do not remember the name of that drug or price...but I still remember pros and cons
+You run fast as hell
+Takes about 2-3 min to make
+? If you like barfed vision go ahead
+You will earn about 400-1000 $ (as I said I do not remember...)

-You will be arrested because cops will obviously see the effect... But it depends on the laws
-Takes a bit long time to make
-? If you do not like barfed vision then don't take it
-You will not get a big amount of money

Morphine is heal power-up. It gives you 300 HP for a price of barf vision
It is extremely useful when raiding or defending
+You will get 300 HP
+You will get about 400-1000$
+Takes about 2-3 min to make
+Mixed with aspiring you will remove the barf vision but your HP will drop down

-Some people will call you cheating when defending or attacking because they can't kill you
-Takes a bit too long time to make
-You will loose the HP boost if you got tazed (I think)
-You will not get a good amount of money

Melon kick
Ok I lied melon kick is most useless drug but why people make is because of the amount of money you get.
+You will get 5k $
+You can make sord of trap if you think a bit
+You can make multiply at once

-Takes 5 min to make
-You can get killed for using it (just pressing E on it)
-Completly useless unless you want the money not effects

The new drug that was introduced in the new update. It was 30 seconds in the first couple of minutes in the server (So thats why I got a bit of profit ATM) but I will explain everything later
+You will get 6k $
+? if you liked barf vision and random noises go ahead

-Takes 6 minutes to make
-Again...Completly useless
-? If you don't like barf vision and random noises don't use it

Nytroglycerine (or however you pronounce it)
It is probably one of the most useful drugs in ZARP but it has its advantages and disadvantages
+Can unfreeze props (you can use it as breaching charge)
+As drug dealer you will get some some for making it
+You can make multi of them
+You can make a trap with it

-Takes a long time to make
-Can kill you if too close
-Some random guy can just shoot the bomb
-You can get busted if your making it
-Can take a long time to carry it (because random people will try to shoot it)

Well that was my third tip of the day and hope you enjoyed it
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Tip of the day 11 years 3 weeks ago #39596

Tip of the day #4
Being police forces.

Being police forces is hard and easy at the same time...I am like 90% of the time being a cop (other 10% is being hitman...) and I have gathered a lot of experience being a cop and I want to share it.

Scanner-The scanner is probably the most useful item from the police gadgets. If you scan a building a sound will appear. It suppose to sound like MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and after that the cop shoud say something like ''Affirmative" or something like that that means that there is something illegal. The scanner can only pick up printers and drug labs. It will not detect pot-drugs (Weed,Mushrooms). If the guy who had illegal items he will be instantly wanted with a wanted price of 2,500$ (It will stack if there is more then 1 printer).

Battering ram-One of the useful items to getting inside the base. It will instantly open fading doors,unfreeze props,get people out of the car (only driver seat for some reason). The person has to be wanted. Option B is using a warrant.

Keypad cracker-If the battering ram does not work (which happens a lot) you can use the keypad cracker. Even if you are a cop your cracking skill will rise (I think) and your cracking level will help you out.

Tazer-The most useful part of arresting a criminal.Without it its hard as crap to hit any of criminals (except if they are not moving). The tazer can ricochet off walls ceiling and other material. If a person got hit by a tazer (He has to be wanted) you can hold right click to keep tazing him and not letting him to get up. When a person finally stud up he will not able to move for about 3 seconds and he will loose all his armor and his HP will be reseted. You can taze mutant but you must not arrest him.

Arrest stick- The backbone of police forces tool. As its name say you can arrest people by hitting them. it is best combined with tazer. You can un-arrest people with right click.

The wanted prices-
Assault-You will be wanted for this reason if you well... assaulted or hit someone. You will get wanted by this reason a lot if your a guard so try to explain the police why are you wanted. Price is 700$
Thievery-You will be wanted for this reason if you are using your lockpick on door or car or anything that can be used with the lockpick. Price is 1,700$
Illegal printing or drug opperation- You will get wanted if a police will scan your building or press E on the printers. They will not take the money from the printer but they will make you wanted. price is 2,500$
Murder-You will be wanted for this reason if you killed unwanted person. Mutants do not count as people so you will not be wanted if you kill those. this coud be in self defence so try to explain the police.The price is 8000$
Attempt of escaping justice-You will be wanted if you tried to bail the jail and didint had the money (I think...) most of the time people are walking with 100 million dollars so thats why you don't see this wanted reason. the price is 8000$

The armor amount the police forces get-
Police officer-50 armor
Police chief- 75 armor
Prison guard-50 armor
SAS-100 armor
S.W.A.T-100 armor
S.W.A.T leader-100 armor
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Tip of the day 11 years 3 weeks ago #39639

Tip of the day.
Being mayor.
Being mayor is hard word. Why? Well because most of the time your goin to walk around with a 1million bounty on your head...so yeah. But if you want to be efficiant,follow my tips (atleast how I survive as long as posible).
Place laws and make the laws normal no random bullshit as: ''All people are now called princesses" just...no...no please no...
Hire guards (try to discuss with the price to make it free or atleast not that mutch.)
Orginize police meetings. Why? To check if police are listening to the mayor or higher ranks (Swat leaders chiefs and stuff like that.) If anybody is not in the meeting? Just fire them. Yep you heard me right fire those who are not in the meeting.
Build police choke-points to check people for illegal stuff, recless driving, and other misc.
Stay at your office for security reasons build fadings doors metal detectors just for your safety.
And in top priority-Rule the city (sord of)
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Tip of the day 11 years 2 weeks ago #39677

tip of the day #6
Being a guard
Being a guard is well...hard so here is some tips to ease it out

Searching for job
Searching to guard something is difficult (not really). Usually go to places like:
Random base
PD (if there is a mayor)

Priorities:Its best to die yourself then your guarded person/place. Ask the owner who to attack or defend. Usually when you hit someone you will get wanted so if police will come to arrest try to explain to them (because this will happen alot if you will be a guard).

Guns: You can have any kind of gun from snipers to M249 SAW (LMG). It depends on the laws if you shoud have gun licenses or not.

Armor: Its best to buy 150 armor from armor NPC. But if your not able or too far away buy an armor charger (1000 uses if default 3000-5000 uses)
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Tip of the day 11 years 2 weeks ago #39681

One thing for the police tip, you cant Taze Hobos
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'Top Lad' - Sam
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Tip of the day 11 years 2 weeks ago #39695

In regard to tip 2, door tool is disabled.
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Tip of the day 11 years 2 weeks ago #39696

Teddy_Legs wrote:
One thing for the police tip, you cant Taze Hobos
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Tip of the day 11 years 2 weeks ago #39700

Christopher wrote:
In regard to tip 2, door tool is disabled.
true but why...?
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Tip of the day 11 years 2 weeks ago #39789

Tip of the day Number 7
Being a gun-dealer
Being a gun dealer is easy (most of the time). You are the basic roots of economic and guns
I do not remember the exact price of all guns but atleast ill try to make the list for how mutch guns are worth to sell and how to secure shelfs from thiefs.

Gun prices-
AR's (Assault rifles)-About 1000
Pistols- Depending on the pistol but around 400-600
SMG's (Sub Machine Gun)- Around 800-1000 depending on the gun

Other type of guns are heavy dealers (I will cover it later)

Securing shelfs- Securing shelfs as a gun dealer is probably the most important thing to do as gun dealer, because minges or thieves will try to steal it or just move it because its pain in the ass to put the shelves perfectly with the gravity gun (Not the phys gun). Try to place your props at the corners because when you place them at the corners there is 1 less side to cover it up. you must secure the shelf from: up,down,left,right,front (the back is facing the wall). DONT cover the front completly because then it will be imposibru to buy weapons.
(same goes to the ammo shelf)

Putting ammo and weapons inside the shelves/boxes-Putting weapons is really easy all you need to do is pick up the weapons with the gravity gun and then just shove the guns to the shelf and the weapons are inside the shelf. Same goes to ammo box (There is no limit to putting ammo inside the box but you can only place 6 weapons inside a weapon shelf).

You can save the guns that you got left from putting guns inside the shelf (because you are technicly selling them so you can save up like 4-3 weapons). BUT you cannot take entire shipment for yourself or just dont sell weapons at all you MUST sell weapons inside a gun store because you cant walk around the streets and ask people if they want guns and then sell them somewhere inside.

Selling shipments is a bit diffrent then selling singles. If a person asks you that he wants to buy shipment you shoud have like a private place to sell shipments. If you want you can store your shipments somewhere like inside that private room but with keypads (Not recomended).

Think your store as a base (atleast the private part) because its really simular (dont make anything complex becaise people will accuse you of basing (unless your selling anything)

Well I think thats all thank you for reading.
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