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First name: Sem
Age: 13 steam id: STEAM_0:1:65814094 Gender: Male In game name: Bad Harper Hello, I Wanna be mod because: They are a lot of rulebreakers on the server and then when I make a f1 a admin will come like 10 minutes later and then they ask me for proof but im not always have proof and if I am a moderator myself I don't need proof I don't need to make a f1 I can immediately handle the situation Here are some examples of rulebreakers RDM: BOB has a base and a kos line Peter is looking at the kos line from 5 meters distance Bob decides to kill him because he thinks Peter is gonna raid him Peter will make a f1 I will get Bob and peter to me and ask peter if he has good proof no: I will do nothing because I don't have proof YES: if it is a good proof I will warn Bob for The rdm and say he must not do it next time Nlr: Peter is raiding Bob and peter kills Bob in 1 minute Bob is back Because he is Mad and kills Peter Peter will make a f1 and I will come and bring Bob to me too I look in the console and clearly see that Bob Broke Nlr I will give him a warn and say he just must wait That's the rules Problock:1 Peter is building a base and Bob wants to raid it but Bob don't have a keypad and Bob only have a keypad cracker Bob is gonna make a f1 I will come and clearly see that he don't have a keypad Then I will warn Peter and say to him that the fading door must be raidable with keypad cracker,lockpick and a battering ram 2 Peter is Building a base And bob wanna raid it but Pter propblocked it and put a sign: BUILDING Bob maked a f1 and I will come I will warn Peter and explain: if you read the rules you will see that there is no rule that you may proplcok if you are building there must be 1 way in always Streetbuild: Bob as Thief builded a base on street Peter saw it and maked a f1 I will come and see that Bob made a base on street I will say to him that he must delete his props and warn him And explain to him that you may only build on street as a Hobo That was some rulebreak examples I know I breakes some rules to but I changed I will try to don't break rules and as a moderator you just should not do that And if I will become a moderator I always got proof never have to wait and handle the situation immediately This was my moderator application |
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Please use the right template. you can find it under Index --> Moderator Applications ---> DarkRP Moderator Application Template.
You should also write your Moderator Application in the right section : Index---> Moderator Applications |
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