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This is the application and back story for the ZARP Dark RP clan Super Max. There are three teams to apply for, MD, FFE and AIM. Here are the aplication formats and the group emblems that will represent your class and authority depend on the group.
MDU Medical Distribution
Age: Mic?: Are you into serious Role Play? Do you take things serious when it comes to taking orders? In this clan we do not judge by people age, voice or intelligence understand?: Why YOU?: What Ideas would you Bring?
Are you able to heal quickly and doge bullets in the line of fire?:
Explanation: The Medical Distribution Unit are a team of trained Super Max rookies that are specialized in medical abilities and skills- Best Of Luck for MDU
FFE Freedom Fighter Enforcers
Age:Mic?: Are you into serious Role Play? Do you take things serious when it comes to taking orders? In this clan we do not judge by people age, voice or intelligence understand?: Why YOU?: What Ideas would you Bring? What are your combat skills? (1-10) Accuracy Skills?: (1-10) Sniping?: (1-10) Explanation: The Freedom Fighters Enforcers are a elite group of Ex military soldiers that have devoted there life to helping the cause and goal of the Super Max. - Best Of Luck FFE
Advanced Infiltration Marines
Mic?: Are you into serious Role Play? Do you take things serious when it comes to taking orders? In this clan we do not judge by people age, voice or intelligence understand?: Why YOU?: What Ideas would you Bring? Stamina Level?: Can you keep hidden well? Accuracy?: Explanation: The AIM is a group of Super Max who have been designated as scouts or Infiltration Units. These members of the Clan must have high stamina and must be good at hiding and keeping out of sight. |
Last Edit: 11 years 3 weeks ago by KXBen.
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