Mikey J Religion, The ILLUMINATW!X
10 years 11 months ago #36853
The Story :
Not a long time ago, a guy named Mikey J was born to the world of ZARP. He made friends really quick. One day he got protected by the Miners Guild and tried to bring peace into the world of ZARP. He did it. Then he resigned from his Duty and was gone for (not) forever. He CAME BACK! It was a wounder, he got his Duty back and he was doing a ceremony, where he proofed, that Mutant-Babys are real. He resigned again after a few days. We will paciently wait for the returning of the good.
How do you become a part of the good side?
It is pretty clear, every Tuesday at 3PM there is a ceremony at the church, we are sacrificing a baby, and you have to just say those 2 words at the end : "I believe". In the old times we gave you drugs, but now the government said no. Maybe sometimes we will give you a melon kick and say what mikey j said to the miners guild "eat this, those are my melons mixed in a jar". It is a part of believing to take this melon kick. If you are not taking it, you believe the babys.