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So... I have to say goodbie to you all until July.
The reason is simple; I had to do a maths exam, to see if I had to bring it on with me this next year, or if I didn't have to, and I failed it with 4/10 (Because SPAIN is different) so yeah... my mom said I wouldn't be able to get on the PC until July (School End) if I failed it... So yeah... I'll tell her some bullshit about my teacher and shit, because it's not fair; I mean, I had enough for a 5, and last year she was to a bunch of people (me included); "Oh. you have a 4'90? Well, It's still a 4!" But then there was another bunch of people ike "Oh, you have a 4'75? Well, here, take this 5!" So it's bullshit, because I made 8/10 Exercises in the exam, ands I'm fucking sure it was enough for a 5 and shit.... So yeah... if somehow I manage to be able to get on computer, I'll make another post. If I don't make another post.... Well... GL HF ALL! BTW; NO ONE WILL EVER HAVE MY 5 MILLION HUEHUEHUEUHUEHUEHUEHUHEU I'LL TAKE THEM WITH ME TO THE OTHER WORLD! TY to whoever supports me, because it's more likely I wont be able to use the computer anymore, so I wont be able to see this... (OR MAYBE I WILL, WHO KNOWS?) (Mobile phone mothertruckers) |
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I would have to talk to Your mother, this matter is above her Level of authority. YOU are MY property, therefor she is not allowed to make this decision.
If she is unable, or does not want to come to norway for a Meeting, then she would have to revoke Your punishment. I would also like to speak to Your teacher, and together evaluate you. Math is a serious subject, and should not be taken lightly. However, if this is true then i would have to have a chat With Your teacher. |
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I'm back.
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Actually they didn't say anything. Not sure if they will let me, at the end, or it is because school didnt start yet
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This message has been deleted by Smallville as spam! GabenHD's post count has been reduced by 1.
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Trails wrote:
I failed EF, Plastica and Lengua. Passed EF, luckily. You repeating 2nd? Nope. I got the documents to go to 3rd. Just with maths failed. Did manage to make Plastica with a 5 |
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