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[align=center:1v6wsy47][size=360:1v6wsy47]GOOD DAY![/size]
The ZARPTV Youtube Channel needs a channel trailer, and we want it to feature you. I'm not thinking of something serious - more so a montage of madness. My general idea is that we will all sing some songs, as well as a couple where our only lyrics are 'ZARP', and this will be compiled into general chaos! Everyone is invited, and despite the fact that the YouTube channel has just started, we still want you to be involved in things like this. Remember, the channel is still unofficial - but we still need your love! http://www.youtube.com/zarpyt[/align:1v6wsy47] |
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Rather late (or early depending where you are) for this but I like the idea regardless. oh and are the forums kinda messed up for you. I lose connection due to like SMF sometimes. is it just me?
"If you throw stones, you should expect a punch in the dick." - Prophet
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Arglebargle wrote:
is it just me? No. I've been getting that too. |
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Completed it earlier today, wasn't too great. Might try one more time.
Will compile a video of me, konth, shell, fruer and british singing :> [font=courier:buviyysu][size=360:buviyysu]LOCKED.[/size][/font:buviyysu] |
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