Christopher wrote:
DoM wrote:
OVH = No support service, even on their managed package.
OVH is one of the leading hosting companies out there. I don't know how you had a bad experience with them. I use them for all over-seas hosting at my job. They are highly recommended. There price for the hardware firewall is reasonable. After that you just need to properly set up the host. IP load balancing and such. Constant DDoS or not, it can be managed. If it couldn't, Google/Facebook and all the other top websites in the world would be shut down 24/7. I do this for a living and I've put in 4+ years at school for this. Along with 6 certificates, including Cisco and Microsoft certificates.
Mr.Fluffybunnyfluff wrote:
i recommend nfoservers
Yes they are american but they have a custom firewall and very good support, i offered to agent lulz to pay for the servers but he declined since this is an american hosting company(p.s. Even if you live in Europe THEIR IS NO DIFFERENCE)
They also have game servers which have the best features so no lag should be produced, devnull cant take nfoservers down.
NFO is amazing. Sadly they have no European hosting. They are out of the question.
Christopher wrote:
crack wrote:
I will try to pass this on to zart and agent when he gets back because the lag is pretty bad and making players leave.
If you pass OVH on, I swear to cow - I will strangle seven kittens, smuther them in Heinz Tomato Sauce and lick them to death...
Let them look at this: ... cAodp3wA8w
Company's like Link11 somewhat work. The only problem is when you use them on (lets say) game servers it creates unnecessary network problems for players. With Zarp being European based, this would completely ruin all hope for any North American player. Hardware is the way to go.
[font=verdana:1r6ki4l8]I would like to point out that a large number of the top 25 garrysmod servers use OVH for their hosting. OVH isn't meant for some beginner. Its professional hosting. Most likely why people might not like them because they don't teach you the baby steps to dedicated hosting solutions.[/font:1r6ki4l8]
[font=comic sans ms:1r6ki4l8]I will put in the man hours. I will pay to get this server started on a long term DDoS free record. As a Systems Engineer I do this every day at work. I'm offering my time and skill set to Zarp for free. I dream that you accept my help. Please email me if you choose to let me help prolong Zarp. [email protected][/font:1r6ki4l8]