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TOPIC: Cheers to another month of slop.

Cheers to another month of slop. 6 days 8 hours ago #1428853

Dear Zarp

As per usual, the battlepass is tedious as fuck if not near impossible to get through unless you play every second of your life or buy the premium. The kart race is mid at best and I'm sure not a single person is excited to play it in any way shape or form. The map looks nicer compared to before, and maybe the Gencorp event is fun to some people, but even then after a few days it will get repetitive. The case items are ofc awesome, love them. mini-3 is such a cool concept, the duplication chamber and trigger being also fun little additives along with a new suit always being welcome.

But once again it's just more slop that will never help the server grow, and just serves for more turbo-virgins who play this server to funnel their infinite time into or people to funnel their wallets into as an illusion to a sense of a player count.

This server will never grow. There's no effort to advertise, there's no effort to cater to new players, there's no effort to actually make fun content that people would sit there and actually sit for hours doing. Nuclear scientist is the only somewhat interactive job, and even it's just so mind numbingly boring.

Please make jobs, please fix the crafting, please make the server have VARIETY. Maybe if there's a bigger player count, you motherfuckers could make even MORE money with MORE people funneling their wallets into this shit. Or are you just gonna continue this lazy case and battlepass slop until your work fucking dies or some shit like you already probably deserved to do with how lazy and shitty this all is.

I love this server. The items, the memories, the people (except sinz, fuck sinz and I hope he genuinely hangs himself, not even an internet insult, I am PRAYING), the combat, and I've met many of my greatest friends on here. But by god it hurts to see how fucking shitty and boring it has become. I hope this place dies and stops existing so I don't have to be sad watching it wither away like it needs to at this point.

Fuck you,
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Cheers to another month of slop. 6 days 8 hours ago #1428854

Or you could just not login bro
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Cheers to another month of slop. 6 days 8 hours ago #1428855

Or you could make an update good and take criticism to heart instead of brushing it off :3 love the yandere dev syndrome around here with that
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Cheers to another month of slop. 6 days 7 hours ago #1428856

Jawson wrote:
Or you could just not login bro
Cope msging wont help the server get more players
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Cheers to another month of slop. 6 days 7 hours ago #1428857

there hasnt been any other new player then me tbh in the past months since server is dogshit and newer players that dont have a brain or autism (i have this) dont like the server because of all the bullying they recieve when getting on the server. for example everytime a new player is on when i am i either talk to them and tell them all the shit about the community and they pretty much just insta leave
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Cheers to another month of slop. 6 days 7 hours ago #1428858

Move on lil n
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Stooki Twerking
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Cheers to another month of slop. 6 days 7 hours ago #1428859

REAL, this place is literally just a fucking cesspool of negativity and the lack of intution only makes it harder. The only reason I ended somehow getting a geternal + a shitton of other stuff at my peak after the unban was because I knew what to do, explicitly farming events and cases then selling them and moving from there. Otherwise, you are in the fucking DARK.

People are not willing to talk and walk people along, or even if they do it's inevitable they learn about how SHITTY and fucking TOXIC this server is to the point that they leave. Doesn't help that people like Sinz exist who will 100% take advantage of these types of people, or other assholes who will just cockblock anyone trying to make money because they have nothing else to do.

The community is shit, the content is shit, and all the CMs or admins or whatever the fuck on every one of these types of posts are like "ermm.. just don't play then!" instead of responding or discussing the problems. In the past with Crackrat, he'd shit on the server and get a response like "Ermm.. make suggestions or something on the forums then..11/1/!??" which then they respond like THIS.

All of you are lazy pieces of shit and I hope this server dies so I don't have to even look at it anymore. I love the combat, the items, the systems are cool, the economy is actually better than it was before with more sinks recently, but it WILL ALWAYS BE FUCKING SHIT AT THIS RATE.

Call y'all lunch ladies the way you serving sloppy shit to joes.
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Cheers to another month of slop. 6 days 4 hours ago #1428860

You complain about the response from developers yet you aren't giving as much constructive criticism as you think, expecting them to extract the little there is from the negative messages. Even if they did that it would still be received in a negative way simply cause it wasn't how the initial idea was envisioned. To think suggestions or criticisms aren't considered would be wrong, I've had ideas both expressed publicly or within meetings accepted or denied within reason and understood the feedback as to why.

Garry's Mod as a whole has gone down and long overdue an overhaul, you don't get anything that hasn't been done before. Hence the lose of interest from everyone, players, developers, communities as a whole. Most of the "slop" that is added is to maintain the current players interest(Sinz) who would spend money on all the new items. As for the community toxicity side of it. It has been that way since I started, the only difference is the "nice" people have since quietened down and in the stale nature of the server the only decent action you'll get is a state of constant raids rather than helping for the sake of seeing others flourish.
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Brother Gustro: sally is a minge
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Cheers to another month of slop. 6 days 55 minutes ago #1428861

It’s actually crazy the amount of people that sinz lives in their heads rent free, all they think about his sinz 24/7 and cry about him, literally insanity saying he needs to kill himself etc you hate him so much, just ignore the guy and grow up it really ain’t that hard.

As sally said you are raging about the content but give no way they can improve the battle pass for example of what they can change to make it easier for other players.

Anyways if you dislike it so much you can simply always take a break, make suggestions on actual improvements or just leave.
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Cheers to another month of slop. 5 days 23 hours ago #1428862

for what? it always falls upon deaf ears, why act like it our faults?
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Cheers to another month of slop. 5 days 23 hours ago #1428863

Sharg wrote:
Or you could make an update good and take criticism to heart instead of brushing it off :3 love the yandere dev syndrome around here with that
the update is fire icl, the battlepass isnt meant to be easy, thats why they give u 1-2 months to complete it
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Cheers to another month of slop. 5 days 23 hours ago #1428864

what about it is good? the way its deigned forces players to have to log in daily for at least 2 weeks if you want to finish the bp. in the current state of the server it just isn't worth the time commitment. this battle pass like they said above is made strictly for the current player base, if a new player were to get on they wouldnt have a chance at doing it. and that's if they even felt like it, if you were new and saw that you would have to grind hours to get to lvl 5 wich is when you get the first "real" reward would you do it?
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Cheers to another month of slop. 5 days 23 hours ago #1428865

The server actively pushes away new players through the decisions that they have made, zarp is going to die and its blood will be on the current devs/staff's hands
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Cheers to another month of slop. 5 days 23 hours ago #1428866

Hey Sharg,

I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts, even if they’re coming from a place of frustration. It’s clear you care a lot about the server and I get that seeing it in a state you don’t enjoy can be disappointing.

We’ve heard the feedback on the Battle Pass before and we know it’s not for everyone. It’s always a challenge to balance rewarding dedicated players while keeping things accessible. That said, if you have specific suggestions on how it could be improved while still keeping it meaningful - You know what to do.

The Go-Kart racing and the GENCORP Event were meant to add something fresh, but I get that not everything will click with everyone. The Mini 3.0, the duplication chamber, and the new suit seem to have been a hit, so at least there’s some stuff I'm glad you enjoyed.

As for the broader concerns - player growth, variety, and job reworks - you’re not wrong that there’s room for improvement. The server has been around for well over a decade lol, and keeping things fresh while making sure we don’t break what people already love is a tough balance. Fixing crafting, making more interactive jobs, and introducing new ways to play are all things we would love to work on, but they take time and the right approach. If you’ve got specific ideas on what you’d like to see, feel free to share - we genuinely do listen, even if it doesn’t always seem like it.

That last part of your message went way too far though. You can be critical without being outright hateful. We’re all here because we care about the server, and no one deserves that kind of sentiment...

You can find Chute, Callum, Martin, Faithful and myself on Discord most evenings and if you're ever up for a chat we would be more than happy to hear you out - Whether it be suggestions and/or concerns. This goes for anyone and everyone else who would like to do the same ofc.
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