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TOPIC: Please get hold of your community.

Please get hold of your community. 11 years 11 months ago #17355

Well, this is to the high staff, but to the players and the lower staff to :
We have no intention of stealing, nor doing something bad or inappropriate against you or your community, so please, don't do it either against our community. Recently a new user were registered, and were just grieving us, claimed we were stealing your scripts, posting inappropriate pictures and were swearing, and threatening to DDoS us and saying that we DDoSd you. we did not DDoS you, and have no will or intention to do so.

About the bans - If you really have no bad intentions towards us, when you register, don't use inappropriate names, VPN, or pretending to be someone else, don't register on the forums only so you can argue about players leaving and such, we didn't force anyone to leave, we told them it's a free choice of them, and that they worked hard on their rank on ZARP.

Agent is in a good relation with us, and ZARP is as well. but of course there are some immature people on the both sides, but I'm at least getting hold of my people.
You do not see us doing any of those acts to your forums or to your community, we respect you, so I ask you nicely, please stop.
Thanks for the attention.
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Please get hold of your community. 11 years 11 months ago #17358


I do not know if players actually did this because we don't really have control of all their actions. Though the fact that you banned several ZARP members for no apperent reason is quite bad. Since i registered as "Alex" Which is my real name and just wanted to keep up with your community and check it out from time to time. But the thing that you banned almost all of us and we are getting hatemessages that Scotties ban was unfair? Kinda makes no sense. Get hold of your community and let the "Democracy" be there as we got shit for not having it. This is just stupid.
So please stop if you don't got any bad intetions.
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Please get hold of your community. 11 years 11 months ago #17360

Veritas wrote:

I do not know if players actually did this because we don't really have control of all their actions. Though the fact that you banned several ZARP members for no apperent reason is quite bad. Since i registered as "Alex" Which is my real name and just wanted to keep up with your community and check it out from time to time. But the thing that you banned almost all of us and we are getting hatemessages that Scotties ban was unfair? Kinda makes no sense. Get hold of your community and let the "Democracy" be there as we got shit for not having it. This is just stupid.
So please stop if you don't got any bad intetions.

If the players would register normally, without VPN, or disguise, or inappropriate names, or wouldn't post inappropriate, they wouldn't have been banned.

You were spamming everyone's who left steam, saying they stupid or whatever for doing that, and blaming us for forcing them, don't be surprised.
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Please get hold of your community. 11 years 11 months ago #17361

Veritas wrote:

I do not know if players actually did this because we don't really have control of all their actions. Though the fact that you banned several ZARP members for no apperent reason is quite bad. Since i registered as "Alex" Which is my real name and just wanted to keep up with your community and check it out from time to time. But the thing that you banned almost all of us and we are getting hatemessages that Scotties ban was unfair? Kinda makes no sense. Get hold of your community and let the "Democracy" be there as we got shit for not having it. This is just stupid.
So please stop if you don't got any bad intetions.

There was a guy from our community that went under the name: "YOLOSWAGGINS".

This person spammed the forums with DDos threats, and claims from FBI and such.

This person also spammed their community with horse porn from the show named: "My Little Pony", which may be the 2nd most disgusting thing I've seen in my life. (talk to Husky about the biggest one)

I don't know who this person is, but if I did, I would talk to someone like Agent, Zart or maybe you, and try to get him demoted/perma-banned.
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Please get hold of your community. 11 years 11 months ago #17363

Xahenstraz wrote:
Veritas wrote:

I do not know if players actually did this because we don't really have control of all their actions. Though the fact that you banned several ZARP members for no apperent reason is quite bad. Since i registered as "Alex" Which is my real name and just wanted to keep up with your community and check it out from time to time. But the thing that you banned almost all of us and we are getting hatemessages that Scotties ban was unfair? Kinda makes no sense. Get hold of your community and let the "Democracy" be there as we got shit for not having it. This is just stupid.
So please stop if you don't got any bad intetions.

There was a guy from our community that went under the name: "YOLOSWAGGINS".

This person spammed the forums with DDos threats, and claims from FBI and such.

This person also spammed their community with horse porn from the show named: "My Little Pony", which may be the 2nd most disgusting thing I've seen in my life. (talk to Husky about the biggest one)

I don't know who this person is, but if I did, I would talk to someone like Agent, Zart or maybe you, and try to get him demoted/perma-banned.

Got his IP, so unless he used VPN, Agent could track him, Will talk to Agent once he's online.
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Please get hold of your community. 11 years 11 months ago #17365

Konth wrote:
we didn't force anyone to leave, we told them it's a free choice of them, and that they worked hard on their rank on ZARP.

1st: Why even discuss it With them?
2nd: Scottie went on a spree telling every admin and probably players and told them shit about us (ZARP) and agent.
3rd: Scottie didnt even discuss it, he told them strait out that they should join you, and that we are shit (once again).
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Please get hold of your community. 11 years 11 months ago #17366

Zart wrote:
1st: Why even discuss it With them?

They were asking if it's real, and if they can join, we told them the door is always open, but they will lose their rank on ZARP.
Zart wrote:
2nd: Scottie went on a spree telling every admin and probably players and told them shit about us (ZARP) and agent.

I don't know what was then, but now we respect ZARP and not saying anything bad about it.
Zart wrote:
3rd: Scottie didnt even discuss it, he told them strait out that they should join you, and that we are shit (once again).

That's what Scottie told to Curtis, It was nothing more than a joke, but then I actually liked the idea and Scottie joined me.
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Please get hold of your community. 11 years 11 months ago #17370

As i said. I can not control what they do. Don't even know who they were. But for an example I registered as "Alex". Where is that inapproriate? Where is that any threat to you? And no i didn't spam anyone. Just talked to Sarah and we got into a discussion since she said that people were afraid of Agent and "everyone" that says their opinion gets banned? Scottie got banned on legit terms and she said it was unfair and so on. Then i start to wonder why your community is banning everyone that tries to register.

But yeah. About people registering with a VPN. Disguised, posting shit and so on. Don't blame me since i can not control what they post on other websites.
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Please get hold of your community. 11 years 11 months ago #17883

How the mighty hath fallen.
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"Are you a new admin?" - Virtually every admin
"I've never seen you before." - Virtually every admin
"NLR isn't a perma, it's a warning" - Virtually every admin
"You need to give warnings, Blast" - Virtually every admin.
"Naa" - Blast
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Please get hold of your community. 11 years 11 months ago #17894

Why did i get banned? Was Named Otrivin. That is a common name that i used before i got Zeroxjeppe.

I dont see why i got banned for no reaon. I didn't post a single thing on the forum didnt do everything. that was pretty bad.
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Nothing else matters huh?
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Please get hold of your community. 11 years 11 months ago #17897

I got banned with we don't like fat faggots and all I did is post a pic then I said I would remove it and still got banned seems fair...
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