Clarky wrote:
ItsDonny wrote:
Clarky wrote:
ItsDonny wrote:
Did you really just made a topic about your karma on zarpgaming forums, you must have important things going on in your life
instead of being a condescending prick why don't you reflect on yourself on why you're spending more time on zarp than the kids
Bet you can't say that to
the guy above.
It's okay, calling me a condescending prick, and a bad dad for a zarpgaming forum's karma reduction is fine though, you and another 10 toxic trolls who thankyou'ed your post agree
maybe because Onion doesn’t come across as a dick and clearly sees this thread as satirical unlike yourself, you are drama seeking and insulting me from the get-go rambling on about my life and making it sound like posting on zarp forums is something I do 24/7 (check my online and post history in the past few months dickhead), it must’ve really struck your nerve when I mentioned your neglect towards the kids too, is this why you’re still having a tantrum on my thread? Fuck off already
No, it strucks my nerve because you've picked fights out of thin air, and apparently very conveniently, for quite some time now, using strong cussing words and all, so i suggest you calm down with this attitude as it's not appropriate for zarp, thank you. Also if you can't handle people replying to your thread then you shouldn't make them in the first place, mate.