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Server Name: DarkRP 1
Suggestion Title: Thanos Suit How would it benefit the server: More variety, an end-game suit to strive towards: Once you have it, you can never lose a fight again. Potential Issues/Exploits: N/A Additional notes: A thanos suit should allow you to snap your finger (Pressing F3) and kill half of the server. They have a 5 second window to react and take of their suits. It's kinda like a nuke except better. Thanos suit also has 10k hp and 10k armor, and if you die you are revived once whilst keeping the suit. In order to wear the Thanos suit you must own 500 booster packs and be VIP. In order to get it you have to open Thanos cases. The case also comes with the gauntlet that can be worn with the Thanos suit to make it even more op. If you have the gauntlet and the suit you get another 10k hp and armor. The gaunlet also comes with its own set of abilities including going back in time (Kinda like Tracer in Overwatch). |
ex-minecraft owner, zarp legend (Was there during the infancy of Zarp), ex-ssrp admin, ex-teamspeak emblem (For SSRP admin & minecraft owner)
Last Edit: 1 year 4 months ago by catboy sven ツ.
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